DMAS - Technical resources

Production / Transformation / Deposition

  • A platform for producing and transforming metallic materials including: a modular gas atomization tower (EIGA / VIGA), an extrusion press (250t), a hot isostatic compacting press (2000°C / 2000 bar), a plasma furnace (single burner), production furnaces (electric arc for reactive materials; induction, Bridgman for single-crystal superalloys), heat treatment furnace, and a welding machine (FSW)

  • Laser oxidation benches for oxidation of materials in hydrogen / water vapor up to 2000°C

  • A surface treatment laboratory for surface preparation (sandblasting, chemical and electrolytic baths), coating through chemical and electrolytic deposition, powders (ATEX grinder, mixer), post-processing (two furnaces including a 5T / 1500°C press furnace), and including oxidation/corrosion benches (cyclic oxidation, cyclic corrosion, isothermal oxidation, pre-oxidation, complex corrosion 2-gas + Ar, salt spray) and a sulfation furnace

  • Heat treatment facilities in hydrogen: desulfation furnace (1200°C), cementation furnace (H2 or Ar 1150°C)

  • Laboratory of physical and chemical deposition in vapor phase including 2 triode sputtering installations (PCT 35 and 70 kW), 1 plasma-enhanced CVD (PECVD 20 kW)

  • Resources for producing organic-matrix composites comprising hydraulic presses (10t and 40t), injection-molding and RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) facilities, and a furnace / press for welding thermoplastic-matrix composites

  • Resources for producing ceramic or metallic-matrix composites comprising two Bridgman furnaces (2200°C for eutectic ceramics and 1200°C for semiconductors), heat-treatment furnaces, presses (18t / 1800°C, 250t / 1500°C, 10t / 1600°C), and an atomizer


Physical-chemical and microstructural characterization

  • A scanning electron microscope laboratory comprising three microscopes, including an EDS-WDS-EBSD analytical SEM combining high-resolution imagery and strong current, and an FEG-SEM dedicated to imaging. Microscope stage for conducting in-situ micromechanical tests

  • A transmission electron microscopy laboratory with a high-resolution microscope (STEM, HAADF, EDS, EELS, EFTEM) equipped with a monochromator and a conventional microscope. Cryogenic or heated stage

  • Thermal measurement benches for thermal diffusivity measurement by the flash method (20-2200°C), spectral emissivity, thermal conductivity and expansion coefficient, and an infrared temperature transmission bench

  • An X-ray diffraction analysis laboratory including a θ-2θ diffractometer and a 6-circle diffractometer. High temperature chambers

  • Physical-chemical characterization resources including two high-temperature modular thermal analyzers (ATD/ATG/TMA), a mean-temperature DSC, and facilities for elementary quantification of inorganic materials (ICP/EOS plasma emission spectrometer, C/S and O/N analyzers)

  • A photoluminescence facility shared with DPHY, with an excimer laser and a dye laser.


Mechanical characterization

  • A mechanical test laboratory for metallic materials for characterizing mechanisms of viscoplasticity, damage (fatigue/creep) and uniaxial / multiaxial cracking at high temperature, comprising a 4-cylinder, 25T biaxial machine with 900°C chamber, 4 uniaxial fatigue machines (40 kN / 1200°C, 100kN / 1200°C, 100 kN / 1400°C and surface gradient / 160 kN / 1200°C), a fleet of 30 creep-testing machines (including 3 vacuum machines, one of which reaching a temperature of 1500°C), 2 static machines (with 1400°C resistive furnaces), 2 traction-torsion-internal pressure machines (63 kN / 500 N.m / 1500 b gas / 1200°C et 200 kN / 10k N.m / 1000 b oil)

  • A fleet of installations for dynamic characterization of materials and basic assemblies (servo-hydraulic jacks, Hopkinson bars) and structural qualification (crash tower, ballistic firing range, compressed air launchers), fast data acquisition systems, a set of fast digital cameras (up to 400,000 im/s), and a suite of software tools for data processing and exploitation.

  • A mechanical test laboratory for composite materials comprising nanoindentation benches (ambient temperature, hot, scratch test), static test machines (from 1 to 1500 kN) with temperature chambers, 500 kN uniaxial fatigue machine, Onera 1.2kN biaxial bending machine, low-speed impact tests, DMA

  • A non-destructive testing laboratory including an ultrasonic scanner, ultrasonic vibrothermography benches, active infrared thermography, shearography, laser vibrometry, piezospectroscopy, infrared imagery.



  • Proprietary software: co-development of the Z-Set suite (including the EF ZéBuLoN code) and the Europlexus code; NastOneraMF software for acoustic vibration analysis of complex structures.