Testing Capabilities
Continuous-flow wind tunnel, Atmospheric, Mach 0.05 to Mach 1
- Continuous-flow wind tunnel, Atmospheric, Mach 0.05 to Mach 1
- Largest facility of its kind in the world: 8 meter diameter. Test section: large models for a better simulation.
- Typical wing span model size : 3,5m to 4m
- Motorized testing on half models is possible.
- Full model testing for investigation of handling qualities (with remotely controlled ailerons, flaps, HTP).
- Suitable facility for valuable noise measurements (Adequate Re number).
- Tests corrections capitalize on major progress in CFD approach.
The Modane S1MA wind tunnel is equipped with two contra-rotating fans driven by Pelton turbines, developing 88 MW of power. It takes about 3 minutes to bring the speed from 0 to Mach 0.8.
Test sections
- Three interchangeable test sections.
- Test sections can be replaced in six to ten hours, depending on the configuration.
- Steady measurements = 128 analog channels, 16 bits A/D converter, digital lowpass filtering with a bandwidth from 0.01 to 10 Hz. Steady accuracy ±1 mV, resolution 0.3mV.
- Unsteady measurements = 64 analog channels at 100 kHz per channel. 12 bits A/D converter, digital lowpass filtering with a bandwidth from 0 to 20 kHz (if necessary the number of channels can be increased).
- Steady pressures = 992 channels (by DTC PSI®, system 8400) (On demand this number of pressure channels can be increased up to 1984).
- Measurement at constant Mach number by sampling in a range M = ± 0,001
- Automatic quality checks of the pressure measurement units.
- Real-time spectral analysis.
- Measurement while one parameter is continuously varying.
- Model supports and tunnel wall interferences corrections.
Measurement techniques:
The tests range

S1MA - fans - 88 MW - 15 meter diameter
Stagnation pressure is approximately equal to the local atmospheric pressure, i.e. about 0.9 bar.
Stagnation temperature stands between 258 and 333 K according to Mach number and atmospheric temperature.
Typical tests
- 6-componant aerodynamic forces and control surface hinge moments measured on a complete or half-span model.
- Large models of transport aircraft (4m span of half-span).
- Hybrid laminarity models with suction of boundary layer.
- Helicopter rotors (4 m diameter).
- Propeller tests (isolated and installed propeller tests).
- Full-scale missiles, with real motor running.
- Naclle/pylon/wing interference (blown/TPS nacelles).
- Air intakes (steady and unsteady measurements).
- Captive trajectory system and jetisson test.
- Acoustics.
Absolute confidentiality-guarantee
Model preparation and tests in secure cells.
Numerous tests for foreign customers, all with confidentiality absolutely guaranteed.