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- Nathalie Bartoli
Nathalie Bartoli
Senior Research Scientist at ONERA (DR2), HDR
Habilitation degree (academic accreditation to supervise research, HDR Applied Mathematics)
Information Processing and Systems department - Multidisciplinary Methods and Integrated Concepts Unit
Professor at ISAE-SUPAERO (recognized as a full professor in PhD committees)
2 avenue Marc Pélegrin
31055 Toulouse France
E-mail : nathalie.bartoli@onera.fr
Research topics
Multidisciplinary Optimization for aeronautical (research activities and teaching activities)
Surrogate models (Kriging/Gaussian Process, Mixture of experts, ...)
Optimization based on surrogate models, Bayesian Optimization
Member of the AIAA MDO Technical committee
Review Editor for Structural and multidisciplinary Optimization Journal
Recent activities
- Invited speaker for the Workshop of ANR SAMOURAI agenda and slides
- 2024 AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Best Student Paper (DLR & ONERA) to see the awarded paper
- 2022 AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Best Paper, to see the awarded paper
- Surrogate Day presentation available (July, 1st, 2021)
- Data fusion activities (Presentation at SIAM CSE21, slides)
- HDR report available on HAL (Defense done in December 2019)
- MDO PhD Day, organized between ISAE-SUPAERO and ONERA, November 21st, 2019
- 2nd European Workshop on MDO for Industrial Applications in Aeronautics– Challenges and Expectations (19-20 November 2019)
- ICAS Award (Brazil, Belo Horizonte, Sept 2018) for the H2020 AGILE project
- AIAA AVIATION 2018: H2020 AGILE special session
- First European OpenMDAO workshop
- 1st European Workshop on MDO for Industrial Applications in Aeronautics – Challenges and Expectations
- OpenSource Surrogate Model Toolbox in Python (SMT)
Teaching activities
Lectures, assignments, tutorials, practical sessions, projects
Linear and Non-Linear Optimization
Multidisciplinary Optimization (Notebooks with OpenMDAO)
- Surrogate models (Notebooks with Sklearn and SMT)
Internal & EUROSAE training on Machine Learning (Gaussian process, Bayesian optimization, ...)
Cornell University online course about "Bayesian optimization to solve mono & multi fidelity, mono & multi objective constrained black box problem" (2023 and 2024)
Supervising PhD activities
- A. Durand (ONERA & Polytechnique Montréal - cotutelle ISAE-SUPAERO), High-dimensional constrained optimization, application to aircraft design, Currently in First year
- R. Koprinkov (ONERA & Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Chaire ANITI UQPhys) MultiDisciplinary Analysis solved by adaptive disciplinary Gaussian processes, Currently in First year
- M. Castano-Aguirre (ONERA & Université des Hauts de France) Multi fidelity adaptive design of experiments and surrogate models for data fusion in aerodynamics, Currently in First year
- M. Lalande (ONERA & CNES) Modélisation des phénomènes physiques fluide-structure associés à la dégradation thermochimique des matériaux en régime d'écoulement continu hypersonique lors de l'entrée dans l'atmosphère de débris spatiaux. Currently in 2nd year
- J. Bussemaker (Tu Delft and DLR) System Architecture Optimization: function-based modeling, Optimization algorithms and integration with multidisciplinary analysis, Currently in 4th year
- A. Tfaily (Mc Gill University & BOMBARDIER, Montreal), Bayesian Optimization Techniques with Applications to Aircraft Design, Currently in 4th year
- L. Fernandez Tiberio (ONERA & ENAC) Colibri : Conception, optimisation et contrôle des petits VTOLs - Currently in 3rd year
- I. Cardoso (ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO) Approximation of Partitioned Multidisciplinary Systems: Application to Overall Aircraft Design Currently in 3rd year
- M. Lantelme (EU ASCENSION Project & ONERA) Aerothermodynamic Modelling for Reusable Launchers - may 2024 pdf
- P. Saves (ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO) Optimisation multi -disciplinaire en grande dimension pour l’éco-conception avion en avant-projet - january 2024
- R. Charayron (ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO) Advances in multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization for multi-disciplinary drone design, december 2023, pdf
- V. Palladino (ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO & ATR) Multidisciplinary design process applied to the next generation regional aircraft featuring low emission propulsion, march 2023, pdf
- M. Saporito (Université of Southampton & ONERA) Robust analysis and optimization process for simulation-enhanced design of flexible aircraft, february 2023
- G. Berthelin (ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO) Multidisciplinary optimization and model order reduction, june 2022, pdf
- M. Menz (UPS & ONERA) Active learning numerical cost reduction for reliability analysis, december 2020, pdf
- R. Priem (ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO) High Dimensional Constrained Bayesian Optimization Applied to Aircraft Design, november 2020, pdf
- A. Sgueglia (ISAE-SUPAERO & ONERA ) Exploration of sizing and optimization priorities in Aircraft Design with application to a Blended Wing Body with Distributed Electric Propulsion, december 2019, pdf
- J. Mas Colomer (ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO) Aeroelastic Similarity of a Flight Demonstrator via Multidisciplinary Optimization, december 2018, pdf
- P. Schmollgruber (ONERA) Enhancement of the aircraft design process through certification constraints management and full mission simulations, december 2018, pdf
- M. Gruet (ONERA & CNES) Intelligence Artificielle et prévision de l’impact de l’activité solaire sur l’environnement magnétique terrestre, september 2018, pdf
- M-A. Bouhlel (ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO & SNECMA), Self-adaptive optimization of multidisciplinary analysis environment via Kriging models combined with the PLS method, janvier 2016, pdf
- D. Bettebghor (ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO & AIRBUS), Bilevel optimization of large scale composite structures, december 2011, pdf
- J. Clément (ONERA) Multidisciplinary optimisation: theory and application to conceptual aircraft design 2009, pdf
PhD committee member
- B. Sow Optimizing and metamodeling functions defined over clouds of points, Ecole Des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2024, reviewer
- Q. Ragueneau, Méthodologie d’optimisation paramétrique appliquée à la dynamique vibratoire intégrant des non-linéarités localisées, CNAM HESAM Université, 2024, link, reviewer
- T. Krauth, Deep Generative modelling for mid-air collision probability estimation, ISAE-SUPAERO, 2024, link, president
- J. Bouwer (University of Pretoria)The Shape Optimisation of Compliant Structures to Produce a Desired Snap-Through Load Displacement Path, 2023, link reviewer
- G. Capasso, Semi-probabilistic codesign framework involving manufacturing, tolerancing and stress analysis for the static strength demonstration of aeronautical assemblies, ISAE-SUPAERO, 2023 link, president
- O. Aïello, Validation anticipée de conceptions de systèmes par une approche d'ingénierie conjointe basée modèles et optimisation, ISAE-SUPAERO, 2023, link, president
- F. Oukaili, Shape optimisation of overflow spillways, Université Paris Cité, 2023, link, examiner
- J. Sadet, Surrogate models for the analysis of friction induced vibrations under uncertainty, Université Polytechnique Hauts de France, 2022, link, president
- C. Ren, Reliability assessment of an offshore wind turbine jacket with active learning approaches, INSA Rouen, 2022, link, examiner
- M. Chapelier, Développement de stratégies d'optimisation de forme non-intrusives basées sur les splines pour la mécanique expérimentale, INSA Toulouse, 2021, link, examiner
- S. Pezzano, Isogeometric Discontinuous Galerkin method with time-dependent domains, Université Côte d'Azur, 2021, link, examiner
- S. Binder, Simultaneous optimisation of composite wing structures and control systems for active and passive load alleviation, Delft University of Technbology, 2021, link, reviewer
- A. Hirvoas, Développement d'une méthode d'assimilation de données pour la calibration et la mise à jour en continu de modèles fidèles d'éoliennes, Université Grenoble Alpes, link, reviewer
- A. Persoons, Fiabilité des conteneurs de stockage de déchets radioactifs de haute activité, Université Clermont Auvergne, 2020, link, reviewer
- S. Coniglio, Propulsion airframe topology optimization with performance and stress criteria using Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches, ISAE-SUPAERO, 2019, link, examiner
- S. Delbecq, Knowledge-Based Multidisciplinary Sizing and Optimization of Embedded Mechatronic Systems - Application to Aerospace Electro-Mechanical Actuation Systems, INSA Toulouse, 2018, link, examiner
- A. Chiplunkar Incorporating Prior Information from Engineering Design into Gaussian Process Regression: with applications to Aeronautical Engineering, ISAE-SUPAERO, 2017, link, examiner
HDR committee member
- P. Mycek, Hierarchical methods for deterministic and stochastic partial differential equations, Univ. Bordeaux, 2024, president
- F.-X. Irisarri, Le matériau composite dans la structure : objet d’étude et variable de conception, Univ Jean Monet St-Etienne, 2021
Bio ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6451-2203
2022- : Senior Research scientist (Directeur de Recherche DR2) at ONERA at ONERA/DTIS/M2CI, Toulouse (Multidisciplinary Methods and Integrated Concepts Unit)
Dec 2019: Habilitation degree (HDR) in Applied Mathematics, Optimization based on surrogate models
2018-2022 : Senior researcher at ONERA/DTIS/M2CI, Toulouse (Multidisciplinary Methods and Integrated Concepts Unit)
2015-2018: Research Engineer at IRT (Institute of Technology), project MDA-MDO (Multi-Disciplinary Analysis- Multi-Disciplinary Optimization), part-time activities (20% seconded) with AIRBUS team
2013-2017: Research engineer at ONERA/DTIM/SAE, Toulouse (Aeronautical Systems Unit)
2005-2012: Research engineer at ONERA/DTIM/M2SN, Toulouse (Mathematical, Statistical and Numerical Modeling Unit)
2003-2004: Senior Researcher at CERFACS (European Center for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation -Toulouse), Electromagnetism team
2002: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (French National Institute for
Research in Computer Science and Control) with Alcatel Space (Cannes) -
2000-2001: Junior Researcher at CERFACS (European Center for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation -Toulouse), Electromagnetism team
1997-2000: Ph. D. Degree in Applied Mathematics supervised by Abderrahmane Bendali (INSA Toulouse - Université de Toulouse)
1997: Master Degree (DEA) at CERT-ONERA (Toulouse), Electromagnetism team
1992-1997: Engineer Degree in Applied Mathematics from the National Institute of Applied
Sciences of Toulouse (INSA), France
Method for design mechanical parts, in particular turmachine blades, A.Otsmane, M.-A. Bouhlel, N. Bartoli and J. Morlier, 2017, Brevet FR.15.57301 - cas 2625
Book Chapter
- A. Sgueglia, S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli (2020), Chapter 10: Civil Aircraft Vehicle Design, in Book Aerospace System Analysis and Optimization in Uncertainty, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, J. Morio.
S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, C. Gogu, T. Lefebvre, Réduction d'incertitudes en analyse multidisciplinaire basée sur une étude de sensibilité par chaos polynomial, Ouvrage Ingénierie mécanique en contexte incertain: Des approches classiques à quelques développements récents, Collection Sciences, Editions ISTE, 2020
Publications (List available here)
R Priem, Y Diouane, N Bartoli, S Dubreuil, P Saves (2024) High-dimensional Bayesian optimization using both random and supervised embeddings, AIAA Journal, doi
J. H. Bussemaker, P. Saves, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, R. Lafage (2024). System architecture optimization strategies: dealing with expensive hierarchical problems. Journal of Global Optimization, 1-45, doi
P. Saves, Y. Diouane, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, J. Morlier (2024). High-dimensional mixed-categorical Gaussian processes with application to multidisciplinary design optimization for a green aircraft. Struct Multidisc Optim 67, 81 doi
P. Satria Palar, E. Nguyen Van, N. Bartoli, J. Morlier (2024). Design Exploration of a Distributed Electric Propulsion Aircraft Using Explainable Surrogate Models. Journal of Aircraft, 1-14, doi
H. Valayer, N. Bartoli, M. Castaño-Aguirre, R. Lafage, T. Lefebvre, A.F. López-Lopera, S. Mouton. A Python Toolbox for Data-Driven Aerodynamic Modeling Using Sparse Gaussian Processes. Aerospace 2024, 11, 260. doi
I. Cardoso, S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, C. Gogu, M. Saläun (2024) Constrained efficient global multidisciplinary design optimization using adaptive disciplinary surrogate enrichment. Struct Multidisc Optim 67, 23 doi
A. Tfaily, Y. Diouane, N. Bartoli, M. Kokkolaras (2024). Bayesian optimization with hidden constraints for aircraft design. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 67(7), 123, doi
P. Saves, R. Lafage, N. Bartoli, Y. Diouane, J. Bussemaker, T. Lefebvre, J. Morlier, J. T. Hwang, J. R.R.A. Martins (2024). SMT 2.0: A surrogate modeling toolbox with a focus on hierarchical and mixed variables gaussian processes. Advances in Engineering Software, 188, 103571. doi
L. F. Fernandez, M. Bronz, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre (2023). Development of A Mission-Tailored Tail-Sitter MAV, Unmanned Systems, doi
R. Charayron, T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, J. Morlier, J. (2023). Towards a multi-fidelity & multi-objective Bayesian optimization efficient algorithm. Aerospace Science and Technology, 108673, doi
P. Saves, Y. Diouane, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, J. Morlier (2023). A mixed-categorical correlation kernel for Gaussian process. Neurocomputing, 126472. doi
M. Saporito, A. Da Ronch, N. Bartoli, S. Defoort, Robust multidisciplinary analysis and optimization for conceptual design of flexible aircraft under dynamic aeroelastic constraints, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol 138, July 2023, doi
V. Palladino, N. Bartoli, V. Pommier-Budinger, E. Benard, P. Schmollgruber, A. Jordan (2023). Optimization of a hydrogen-based hybrid propulsion system under aircraft performance constraints. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. doi
G. Berthelin, S. Dubreuil, M. Salaün, N. Bartoli and C. Gogu (2022), Disciplinary Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Interpolation for the resolution of parametrized Multidisciplinary Analysis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. doi
J. Mas Colomer, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, J. Morlier (2022). Aeroelastic scaling of flying demonstrator: mode tracking technique. Mechanics & Industry, doi
J. Mas Colomer, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, J.R.R.A. Martins, J. Morlier (2021). Aeroelastic scaling of flying demonstrator: flutter matching. Mechanics & Industry, 22, 42. doi
M. Menz, S. Dubreuil, J. Morio, C. Gogu, N. Bartoli, M. Chiron (2021). Variance based sensitivity analysis for Monte Carlo and importance sampling reliability assessment with Gaussian processes. Structural Safety, 93, 102116. doi
J. Mas Colomer, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, J.R.R.A. Martins, J. Morlier (2021) An MDO-based methodology for static aeroelastic scaling of wings under non-similar flow. Struct Multidisc Optim. doi
V. Drouet, Y. Préveraud, J.-M. Moschetta, N. Bartoli, S. Dubreuil, J. Annaloro (2021). Reduced order models for heat flux and pressure distributions on space debris afterbodies, Acta Astronautica, doi
M. Zheng, N. Bartoli, A. Jungo, W. Lammen, E. Baalbergen, M. Voskuijl (2020). Enhancing the handling qualities analysis by collaborative aerodynamics surrogate modelling and aero-data fusion, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, doi
T. Lefebvre, N.Bartoli, S. Dubreuil, M. Panzeri, R. Lombardi, P. Della Vecchia, L. Stingo, F. Nicolosi, A. de Marco, P.D. Ciampa, K. Anisimov, A. Savelyev, A. Mirzoyan, A. Isyanov (2020). Enhancing optimization capabilities using the AGILE collaborative MDO framework with application to wing and nacelle design, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, doi
S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, C. Gogu, T. Lefebvre (2020). Towards an efficient global multidisciplinary design optimization
algorithm. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, doi -
R. Priem, N. Bartoli, Y. Diouane, A. Sgueglia (2020), Upper trust bound feasibility criterion for mixed constrained Bayesian optimization with application to aircraft design, Aerospace Science and Technology, doi
A. Sgueglia, P. Schmollgruber, N. Bartoli, E. Benard, J. Morlier, J. Jasa, J. R.R.A. Martins, J. T. Hwang, J. S. Gray (2020). Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Framework with Coupled Derivative Computation for Hybrid Aircraft. Journal of Aircraft, doi
M. Menz, C. Gogu, S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, J. Morio (2020). Adaptive coupling of reduced basis modeling and Kriging based active learning methods for reliability analyses. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 196, 106771.doi
- M. G. Fernandez-Godino, S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, C. Gogu,·S. Balachandar,·R. T. Haftka, Linear regression-based multifidelity surrogate for disturbance amplification in multiphase explosion, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, link
- N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, S. Dubreuil, R. Olivanti, R. Priem, N. Bons, J .R.R.A Martins, J. Morlier (2019), Adaptive modeling strategy for constrained global optimization with application to aerodynamic wing design, Aerospace Science and Technology Journal, vol. 90, p. 85-102, doi
- M.-A. Bouhlel, J. T. Hwang, N. Bartoli, R. Lafage, J. Morlier, J .R.R.A Martins (2019), A Python surrogate modeling framework with derivatives, Advances in Engineering Software, doi
- S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, C. Gogu, T. Lefebvre, J. Mas Colomer (2018). Extreme value oriented random field discretization based on an hybrid polynomial chaos expansion-Kriging approach. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018, Link
- M.-A. Bouhlel, N. Bartoli, R. Regis, A. Otsmane and J. Morlier, Efficient Global Optimization for high-dimensional constrained problems by using the kriging models combined with the Partial Least Squares method, Engineering optimization, 2017, doi
- S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, C. Gogu and T. Lefebvre, Propagation of modeling uncertainty by polynomial chaos expansion in multidisciplinary analysis, ASME. J. Mech. Des., doi
- M.-A. Bouhlel, N. Bartoli, A. Otsmane and J. Morlier, An Improved Approach for Estimating the Hyperparameters of the Kriging Model for High-Dimensional Problems through the Partial Least Squares Method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 6723410, 11 pages
- M.-A. Bouhlel, N. Bartoli, A. Otsmane and J. Morlier, Improving kriging surrogates of high-dimensional design models by Partial Least Squares dimension reduction, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol 53, no5, pp 935-952, 2016, Link
- D. Bettebghor and N. Bartoli. Approximation of the critical buckling factor for composite panels, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol 46, no4, pp 561-584, 2012, Link
- D. Bettebghor, N. Bartoli, S. Grihon, J. Morlier and M. Samuelides. Surrogate modeling approximation using a mixture of experts based on EM joint estimation, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol 43, no2, pp 243-259, 2011 , Link
- N. Bartoli, F. Collino, F. Dodu and T. Koleck. A far-near field Transformation using the Fast Multipole Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol 52, no12, pp 3329-3336, Décembre 2004.
- N. Bartoli and A. Bendali. Robust and High-Order Effective Boundary Conditions for Perfectly Conducting Scatterers Coated by a thin Dielectric Layer, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol 67, no5, pp 479-508, Octobre 2002.
- N. Bartoli and F. Collino. Integral equations via Saddle Point Problems for Acoustic Problems, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol 34, no5, pp 1023-1049, Sept/Oct 2000
Recent conferences with proceedings
- J. H. Bussemaker, P. Saves, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, B. Nagel, B. (2024). Surrogate-Based Optimization of System Architectures Subject to Hidden Constraints. In AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND 2024. doi
- L. Fernandez, M. Bronz, T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, N(2023). Simultaneous Trajectory and Design Optimization of Small VTOL UAVs With Controllability Considerations. In AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND 2024. doi
- I. Cardoso, S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, C. Gogu, M. Salaun, (2024). Model order reduction for parameterized multidisciplinary analysis using disciplinary surrogates: application to non-linear solvers. In AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum (p. 1407).doi
I. Cardoso, S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, C. Gogu, M. Salaun, R. Lafage. Disciplinary Surrogates for gradient-based optimization of multidisciplinary systems. In : AEROBEST 2023. 2023. p. 16. pdf
L. F. T. Fernandez, M. Bronz, T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli. From MDO to Manufacturing: application case for unmanned aerial vehicles. In : AEROBEST 2023. 2023. p. 382. pdf
N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, R. Lafage, P. Saves, Y. Diouane, J. Morlier, J. Bussemaker, G. Donelli, J. M. Gomez de Mello, Massimo Mandorino, Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization with Mixed-Categorical design variables for expensive-to-evaluate aeronautical applications. In: AEROBEST 2023. 2023. p. 466. pdf
G. Donelli, J. M. Gomez. de Mello, F. I.K. Odaguil, T. van der Laan, T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, L. Boggero, B. Nagel (2023) Value-driven Systems Engineering Approach addressing Manufacturing, Supply-chain and Aircraft Design in the Decision-Making Process, INCOSE 2023 pdf
U. Merola, G. Donelli, J. M.G.D. Mello, F. I.K. Odaguil, T. van der Laan, T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, L. Boggero, B. Nagel (2023) Value-driven Optimization Campaign Addressing Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Overall Aircraft Design Domains in the Early Development Stage, INCOSE 2023 pdf
A. Tfaily, M. Kokkolaras, N. Bartoli, Y. Diouane (2023). Efficient Acquisition Functions for Bayesian Optimization in the Presence of Hidden Constraints. In AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum (p. 4261).doi
R. Priem, N. Bartoli, Y. Diouane, S. Dubreuil, P. Saves (2023). High-dimensional efficient global optimization using both random and supervised embeddings. In AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum (p. 4448).doi
L. Fernandez, M. Bronz, T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, N(2023). Assessment of Closed Loop Dynamics in the Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization of Small UAVs. In AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum (p. 3902).
R. Charayron, T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, J. Morlier (2023). Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization strategy applied to Overall Drone Design. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum (p. 2366). doi
L. Fernandez, M. , Bronz, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre (2023). Assessment of Methods for Propeller Performance Calculation at High Incidence Angles. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum (p. 2283). doi
G. Donelli, J. M. Mello, F. I. Odaguil, T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, T. van der Laan, L. Boggero, B. Nagel (2022, September). A value-driven quantitative framework coupling aircraft design, manufacturing and supply chain by leveraging the MBSE-MDO framework. In ICAS 2022. pdf
L. F. Fernandez, M. Bronz, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre (2022, September). Development of A Mission-Tailored Tail-Sitter MAV. In 13th edition of the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition-IMAV 2022. hal
I. Cardoso, G. Berthelin, S. Dubreuil, C. Gogu, N. Bartoli, M. Salaun Model Order Reduction and Bayesian Optimization for MDO problems. Congrés Français de Mécanique, Nantes 2022
G. Donelli, P. D. Ciampa, T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, J. M. Mello, F. I. Odaguil, T. van der Laan (2022). Value-driven Model-Based Optimization coupling Design-Manufacturing-Supply Chain in the Early Stages of Aircraft Development: Strategy and Preliminary Results. In AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum (p. 3723). doi
R. Grapin, Y. Diouane, J. Morlier, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, P. Saves, J. H. Bussemaker (2022). Constrained Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization with Application to Aircraft Design. In AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum (p. 4053). doi
P. Saves, Y. Diouane, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, J. Morlier, J. (2022). A general square exponential kernel to handle mixed-categorical variables for Gaussian process. In AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum (p. 3870) doi
P. Saves, N. Bartoli, Y. Diouane, T. Lefebvre, J. Morlier, C. David, S. Defoort (2022). Multidisciplinary design optimization with mixed categorical variables for aircraft design. In AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum (p. 0082).
C. Garcia-Rubio, K. Thanissaranon, J. C. Chaudemar, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre (2021, July). Global model of Aircraft design: from performance requirements towards architectures optimization. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems (AEROBEST 2021) (pp. 1-758).
R. C. Arenzana, A. López-Lopera, S. Mouton, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre (2021, July). Multifidelity Gaussian Process model for CFD and Wind Tunnel data fusion. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems (AEROBEST 2021) (pp. 1-758).
P. Saves, N. Bartoli, Y. Diouane, T. Lefebvre, J. Morlier, C. David, S. Defoort (2021, July). Constrained bayesian optimization over mixed categorical variables, with application to aircraft design. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems (AEROBEST 2021) (pp. 1-758).
J. Bussemaker, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, P. D. Ciampa, B. Nagel (2021). Effectiveness of Surrogate-Based Optimization Algorithms for System Architecture Optimization. In AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM (p. 3095), doi.
M. Saporito, A. Da Ronch, N. Bartoli, S. Defoort (2021). Flying qualities reliability constraints in aircraft conceptual design using time-marching simulations. In AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM (p. 3101), doi
V. Palladino, A. Jordan, N. Bartoli, P. Schmollgruber, V. Pommier-Budinger, and E. Benard (2021). Preliminary studies of a regional aircraft with hydrogen-based hybrid propulsion. In AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM (p. 2411) doi
S. Delbecq, M. Budinger, C. Coic and N. Bartoli (2021) Trajectory and design optimization of multirotor drones with system simulation, AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum (p. 0211), doi
R. Priem, H. Gagnon, I. Chittick, S. Dufresne, Y. Diouane, and N. Bartoli (2020). An efficient application of Bayesian optimization to an industrial MDO framework for aircraft design. In AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM (p. 3152).
N. Peteilh, T. Klein, T. Y. Druot, N. Bartoli, and R. P. Liem (2020). Challenging Top Level Aircraft Requirements based on operations analysis and data-driven models, application to takeoff performance design requirements. In AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM (p. 3171).
- M. Saporito, A. D. Ronch, P. Schmollgruber and N. Bartoli, Framework development for robust design of novel aircraft concepts, In 1st Edition of the Aerospace Europe Conference – AEC2020, Bordeaux, France (2020)
- V. Palladino, A. Jordan, V. Budinger, E. Benard, N. Bartoli, S. Defoort and P. Schmollgruber, A Comparative Study of High and Low Fidelity Propulsion Models for Hybrid Electric Aircraft, In 1st Edition of the Aerospace Europe Conference – AEC2020, Bordeaux, France (2020).
A. Sgueglia, P. Schmollgruber, E. Benard, N. Bartoli, J. Morlier, Exploration of a Blended Wing-Body concept featuring distributed electric propulsion with gradient optimization techniques, 9th EASN Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space, September 2019, Greece
R. Priem, N. Bartoli, Y. Diouane, On the Use of Upper Trust Bounds in Constrained Bayesian Optimization Infill Criteria, 20th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, June 2019, Dallas, United States, doi
M. Meliani, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, M.-A. Bouhlel, J. R.R.A Martins, J. Morlier, Multi-fidelity efficient global optimization: Methodology and application to airfoil shape design, 20th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, June 2019, Dallas, United States, doi
B. Dabas, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, F. Gallard, A. Gazaix, T. Y. Druot, D. Guénot, Error-Based Adaptive Coupling Process Between Multipoint High-Fidelity Aerodynamics and Mission Performance for Shape Optimization in the MDA-MDO Project, 20th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, June 2019, Dallas, United States, doi
P. D. Ciampa, P. S. Prakasha, F. Torrigiani, J.-N.. Walther, T Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, H. Timmermans, P. Della Vecchia, L. Stingo, D. Rajpal, I. van Gent, G. La Rocca, M. Fioriti, G. Cerino, R. Maierl, D. Charbonnier, A. Jungo, B. Aigner, K. Anisimov, A. Mirzoyan, M. Voskuijl, Streamlining Cross-Organizational Aircraft Development: Results from the AGILE Project, 20th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, June 2019, Dallas, United States,doi
M. Menz, C.. Gogu, S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, J. Morio, Towards reliability analysis by adaptive sampling with multiple fidelity levels by the use of reduced basis methods, UNCECOMP, 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, June, Crete, Greece, 2019, hal
- R. Priem, N. Bartoli, Y. Diouane, S. Dubreuil and T. Lefebvre, An adaptive feasibility approach for constrained bayesian optimization with application in aircraft design, EngOpt 2018, 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, September 2018
- J. Mas Colomer, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre and J Morlier, Static Aeroelastic Scaling with Non-Similar Flow through Multidisciplinary Optimization, EngOpt 2018, 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, September 2018
- A. Sgueglia, P. Schmollgruber, E. Benard, N. Bartoli and J. Morlier, Preliminary Sizing of a Medium Range Blended Wing-Body using a Multidisciplinary Design Analysis Approach, 8th EASN-CEAS International Workshop on Manufacturing for Growth & Innovation, September 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom
- N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, S. Dubreuil, M. Panzeri, R. Lombardi, R. D’Ippolito, K. Anisomov, A. Savelyev, Robust Nacelle Optimization Design investigated in the AGILE European project, 19th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 10.2514/6.2018-3250, June 2018, Atlanta, United States, doi
- S. Dubreuil, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre and C. Gogu, Efficient global multidisciplinary optimization based on surrogate models, 19th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 10.2514/6.2018-3745, June 2018, Atlanta, United States, doi
- T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, S. Dubreuil, M. Panzeri, R. Lombardi, W. Lammen, M. Zhang, I. van Gent and P. D. Ciampa, A clustered and surrogate-based MDA use case for MDO scenarios in AGILE project , 19th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference10.2514/6.2018-3252, June 2018, Atlanta, United States, doi
- P. Schmollgruber, N. Bartoli, J. Bedouet, E. Benard, and Y. Gourinat. Improvement of the Aircraft Design process for Air Traffic Management evaluations, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-0283), doi
- A. Sgueglia, P. Schmollgruber, N. Bartoli, O. Atinault, E. Benard, and J. Morlier. Exploration and Sizing of a Large Passenger Aircraft with Distributed Ducted Electric Fans, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-1745), doi
- M G. Fernandez-Godino, R. T. Haftka, S. Balachandar, C. Gogu, N. Bartoli, and S. Dubreuil. Noise Filtering and Uncertainty Quantification in Surrogate based Optimization, 2018 AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-2176), doi
- T. Lefebvre, N. Bartoli, S. Dubreuil, M. Panzeri, R. Lombardi, R. D'Ippolito, P. Della Vecchia, F. Nicolosi, and P. D. Ciampa. Methodological enhancements in MDO process investigated in the AGILE European project, 18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2017-4140), doi
- N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, S. Dubreuil, R. Olivanti, N. Bons, J.R.R.A. Martins, M.-A. Bouhlel, and J. Morlier. An adaptive optimization strategy based on mixture of experts for wing aerodynamic design optimization, 18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2017-4433), doi
- P. Schmollgruber, N. Bartoli, J. Bedouet, S. Defoort, Y. Gourinat, E. Benard, R. Lafage, and A. Sgueglia. Use of a Certification Constraints Module for Aircraft Design Activities, 17th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2017-3762), doi
- A. Gazaix, F. Gallard, V. Gachelin, T. Druot, S. Grihon, V. Ambert, D. Guénot, R. Lafage, C. Vanaret, B. Pauwels, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, P. Sarouille, N. Desfachelles, J. Brézillon, M. Hamadi, and S. Gurol. Towards the Industrialization of New MDO Methodologies and Tools for Aircraft Design, 18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2017-3149), doi
- J. Mas Colomer, N. Bartoli, T. Lefebvre, S. Dubreuil, J.R.R.A. Martins, E. Bénard, and J. Morlier. Similarity Maximization of a Scaled Aeroelastic Flight Demonstrator via Multidisciplinary Optimization, 58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-0573), doi
- N. Bartoli, M.-A.Bouhlel, I. Kurek, R. Lafage, T. Lefebvre, J. Morlier, R. Priem, V. Stilz, and . Regis. Improvement of efficient global optimization with application to aircraft wing design, 17th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2016-4001), doi
- P. Schmollgruber, N. Bartoli, and Y. Gourinat. Virtual flight testing in an aircraft sizing and optimization process, 15th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2015-2546), doi