Jérôme Morio

Senior Research Scientist at ONERA, with habilitation degree (academic accreditation to supervise research)
Full Professor at ISAE (recognized as a full professor in PhD committees)
Associate researcher at IMT (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)

Onera/DTIS - Information Processing and Systems department
2 avenue Édouard Belin
31055 Toulouse France
E-mail : jerome(dot)morio(at)onera(dot)fr

en français

Research Topic

  • Uncertainty management in complex systems (rare event, sensitivity analysis, reliability...)

Short Bio

  • 2017- : Full professor at ISAE, Toulouse
  • 2016- : Senior research scientist at ONERA, Toulouse
  • 2014-2016 : Research engineer at ONERA, Toulouse
  • 2013 : Habilitation degree (HDR) at University of Rennes I
  • 2007-2013: Research engineer at ONERA, Palaiseau
  • 2004-2007: PhD degree supervised by Philippe Réfregier  and François Goudail at Institut Fresnel\PHYTI, Marseille and ONERA, Salon de Provence
  • 2004: DEA Optique, Image Signal supervised by François Goudail et Philippe Réfregier at Institut Fresnel\PHYTI, Marseille
  • 2001-2004: engineer degree in image processing at Ecole Nationale Superieure de Physique de Marseille (ENSPM)/Centrale Marseille

Scientific books


L. Brevault, M. Balesdent et J. Morio (2020) , Aerospace System Analysis and Optimization in Uncertainty, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, ISBN : 978-3-030-39125-6

Order information : [ Springer] [ Amazon]






J. Morio et M. Balesdent (2015), Estimation of Rare Event  Probabilities in Complex Aerospace and Other Systems, A Practical Approach, Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier, ISBN : 978-0-08-100091-

Order information : [ Elsevier ] [ Amazon]





Editorial board member

Publication list