Claire Pagetti



Claire Pagetti -- Directeur de recherche (DR2)
2, avenue E. Belin
31055 Toulouse Cedex
Tel: (+33) 5-62-25-26-52


ORCID: ORCID iD icon0000-0001-7265-1839

Short biography

Since 2005, I am a full time researcher at ONERA. Since 2019, I hold a chair in the ANITI institure on the Certification of Machine Leaning-based systems. From 2007 to 2020, i was an assistant professor at ENSEEIHT. From Sept 2016 to Aug 2017, I was on a sabbatical at TUHH in The Embedded Systems Design Group with Prof Heiko Falk. I defended my HDR on Jan 2015. From Sept 2004 to May 2005, I was a post-doctoral fellow at INRIA in the Alchemy project on N-synchrony. From Sept 2003 to August 2004, I was assistant professor in Computer Science at the University of Bordeaux (IV). I defended my PHD in 2004 at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (advisors: Pr Olivier Roux and Franck Cassez) on real-time extensions of the AltaRica language.


Design, certification and validation of embedded systems. [Publications]


Current PhD students




Former Post-doc

Former PhD Students
  • Arthur Clavière, Safety verification of neural network based systems using formal methods (PHD 2019-2023, with my colleagues Christophe Garion and Eric Asselin). Engineer at Collins.
  • Pierre-Julien Chaine, Compliance of Ethernet TSN-based solutions with spacecraft industry requirements (PHD 2018-2022, with my colleagues Marc Boyer and Franck Wartel). Engineer at Airbus.
  • Nathanaël Sensfelder, Exposition and control of the interference caused by th cache coherence in multi-core COTS  (PHD 2017-2021, with my colleague Julien Brunel). PhD manuscrit. Engineer at Elsys Design.
  • Kevin Delmas, Méthode et environnement de développement d'applications prédictibles et tolérantes aux fautes (PHD 2014-2017, with my colleague Rémi Delmas). Research engineer at ONERA.
  • Quentin Perret, Langage et méthode pour l'exécution de code prédictible sur pluri-coeurs (PHD 2014-2017, with my colleagues Pascal Maurère, Eric Noulard, Pascal Sainrat and Benoît Triquet). Engineer at Google London.
  • Michaël Lauer, Méthode globale pour la vérification des systèmes embarqués temps réel - projet SATRIMMAP (PHD 2009-2012, with my colleagues Jérôme Ermont and Frédéric Boniol). PHD manuscript. Associate professor at UPS/LAAS.
  • Mikel Cordovilla, Implantation de systèmes synchrones temps réel sur des architectures multicoeurs (PHD 2008-2012, with my colleagues Frédéric Boniol and Eric Noulard). PHD manuscript Engineer at Tegonal GMBH
  • Julien Forget , Programmation et implantation de systèmes contrôle-commande distribués (PHD 2006-2009, with my colleagues Frédéric Boniol and David Lesens Astrium Transportation). Associate Professor at LIFL.
  • Rémy Wyss, Atelier d'aide à la conception de systèmes multipériodiques (PHD 2010-2015, with my colleague Frédéric Boniol) Late Rémy Wyss has passed away on Oct 4th, 2015. He taught us the real meaning of courage and joy of life.



(in french)
  • Cours sur les systèmes temps réel (Lecture Notes)
    • master EMS ISAE/ENSEEIHT. Cours en anglais: introduction générale sur les systèmes temps réel, présentation des langages SDL et Lustre, ordonnancement temps réel. 
    • IN2 majeure info. Introduction générale sur les systèmes temps réel, cours approfondi sur SDL, Lustre et automates temporisés. TP sur le robot Lego avec Jérôme Ermont. La partie sur l'ordonnancement est donnée par Jean-Luc Scharbarg.
  • Cous sur la sûreté de fonctionnement (Lecture Notes)
    • 3TR: Module sûreté de fonctionnement
    • 3TR, master EMS: Module bus tolérants aux fautes - fault tolerant bus
    • 2TR: ModApp

Lecture notes for EMS Master

1. Real-time systems

  • Lecture [pdf]
  • Lectures on Scade by François-Xavier Dormoy
  • PS: practical session on Cheddar, Storm, Lustre, Scade

2. Fault-tolerant bus

  • Lecture [pdf


Notes de cours sur la sûreté de fonctionnement (3TR)

Cours [pdf]


  • Sûreté de Fonctionnement des systèmes industriels, Alain VILLEMEUR. Collection de la Direction des Etudes et Recherches d'Electricité de France, (Eyrolles, 1988).
  • Guide de la sûreté de fonctionnement, Jean-Claude LAPRIE, 1996, Cépaduès.
  • Sûreté de fonctionnement des systèmes industriels complexes, Gilles ZWINGELSTEIN, Techniques de l'ingénieur. Informatique industrielle,1999, vol. 9, noS8250, pp. 1-32. [pdf]
  • La Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Intersections, Novembre 2004. [pdf]
  • Page web de Philip KOOPMAN [url]
  • Cours d'Eric CHATELET [url]

Notes de cours sur le module bus tolérants aux fautes (3TR)

  • Séances 1 et 2: introduction générale et cours sur TTP
  • Séance 3: cours sur la tolérance aux pannes dans les satellites par Eric Noulard (ONERA)
  • Séance 6: cours sur MIL-std 1553B et SpaceWire par Olivier Notebaert (Astrium)
  • Séances 4 et 5: cours sur les mécanismes de tolérance aux pannes dans l'avionique par Benoît Triquet (Airbus)
Examens passés


Notes de cours  langages temps réel  (IN2 - CDEFGH)


  • Frédéric Boniol: cours sur les systèmes temps réel, 2007.
  • Pierre-Emmanuel Hladik: cours sur les systèmes temps réel, 2011.
  • Gilles Geeraerts: Introduction aux systèmes embarqués, 2010. [url]
  • Marc Boyer: cours sur SDL., 2011.
  • Cours Lustre. Pascal Raymond. [pdf]
  • Julien Forget, cours sur les systèmes temps réel, 2009. [url]
  • Sébastien Bardin, Introduction au model checking, 2008. [url]
  • P. Bouyer. Cours : An Introduction to Timed Automata, 2008-2009
  •  F. Cassez. Cours : MOd ́lisation et VALidation, 2002.
Notes de cours Examens passés
poly.pdf exam2014.pdf



International Journal

[6] Guy Durrieu, Claire Pagetti. GRec: Automatic Computation of Reconfiguration Graphs for Multi-core Platforms. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 18(5): 41:1-41:24 (2019)

[5] Wolfgang Puffitsch, Eric Noulard, Claire Pagetti. Off-line mapping of multi-rate dependent task sets to many-core platforms. Real-Time Systems 51(5): 526-565 (2015) [pdf]

[4] Michaël Lauer, Frédéric Boniol, Claire Pagetti, Jérôme Ermont: End-to-end latency and temporal consistency analysis in networked real-time systems. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS) 5(3/4): 172-196

[3] Claire Pagetti, Julien Forget, Frédéric Boniol, Mikel Cordovilla, David Lesens. Multi-task Implementation of Multi-periodic Synchronous Programs. In Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Volume 21, Issue 3, pages 307-338, 2011. [url]

[2] Frédéric Boniol, Jérôme Ermont and Claire Pagetti. Verification of real-time systems with preemption: negative and positive results. In Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (ISSE), Volume 5, pages 163--179, 2009, Springer-Verlag. [url]

[1] Franck Cassez, Claire Pagetti, and Olivier Roux. A Timed Extension for AltaRica. Fundamenta Informaticae, Volume 62, Number 3-4, pages 291--332, 2004. [pdf]

National Journal

[2] Rémy Wyss, Frédéric Boniol, Julien Forget, Claire Pagetti. Calcul de propriétés temps réel de bout-en-bout dans un programme synchrone multi-périodique. Technique et Science Informatiques 34(5): 601-626 (2015)

[1] Wolfgang Theurer, Frédéric Boniol, Philippe Dhaussy and Claire Pagetti. Un cadre conceptuel pour la modélisation multi points de vue de systèmes embarqués. RSTI-L'Objet, Volume 13, Numéro 2-3, pages 79--110, 2007.

International Proceedings

[34] Nathanaël Sensfelder, Julien Brunel, Claire Pagetti:,Modeling Cache Coherence to Expose Interference. ECRTS 2019: 18:1-18:22 [pdf]

[33] Frédéric Boniol, Claire Pagetti and Nathanaël Sensfelter. Identification of multi-core interference. In 20th IEEE International Symposium on High-Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE) 2019.

[32] Claire Pagetti, Julien Forget, Heiko Falk, Dominic Oehlert Arno Luppold. Automated generation of time-predictable executables on multi-core. In 26th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS) 2018

[31] Thanh-Dat Nguyen, Yassine Ouhammou, Emmanuel Grolleau, Julien Forget, Claire Pagetti, Pascal Richard: Design and analysis of semaphore precedence constraints: A model-based approach for deterministic communications. DATE 2018: 231-236

[30] Julien Forget, Frédéric Boniol, Claire Pagetti: Verifying end-to-end real-time constraints on multi-periodic models. ETFA 2017: 1-8

[29] Kevin Delmas, Rémi Delmas, Claire Pagetti: SMT-Based Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Architectures. SAFECOMP 2017: 287-302

[28] Kevin Delmas, Remi Delmas, Claire Pagetti: SMT-based architecture modelling for safety assessment. SIES 2017: 1-8

[27] Quentin Perret, Pascal Maurère, Éric Noulard, Claire Pagetti, Pascal Sainrat, Benoît Triquet. Mapping hard real-time applications on many-core processors. In 24th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS) 2016: 235-244

[26] Quentin Perret, Pascal Maurère, Eric Noulard, Claire Pagetti, Pascal Sainrat, Benoit Triquet. Temporal Isolation of Hard Real-Time Applications on Many-Core Processors. In 22nd Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS) 2016: 37-47 [pdf]

[25] Kevin Delmas, Rémi Delmas, Claire Pagetti: Automatic Architecture Hardening Using Safety Patterns. In 34th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP) 2015: 283-296

[24] Angeliki Kritikakou, Christine Rochange, Madeleine Faugère, Claire Pagetti, Matthieu Roy, Sylvain Girbal, Daniel Gracia Pérez. Distributed run-time WCET controller for concurrent critical tasks in mixed-critical systems. In 22nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS) 2014: 139 [pdf]

[23] Angeliki Kritikakou, Olivier Baldellon, Claire Pagetti, Christine Rochange, Matthieu Roy. Proceedings of the 26th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS) 2014. [pdf]

[22] Claire Pagetti, David Saussié, Romain Gratia, Eric Noulard, Pierre Siron. The ROSACE Case Study: From Simulink Specification to Multi/Many-Core Execution. In 20th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'14), 309-318. [pdf]

[21] Frédéric Boniol, Michaël Lauer, Claire Pagetti, Jérôme Ermont.  Freshness and Reactivity Analysis in Globally Asynchronous Locally Time-Triggered Systems. NASA Formal Methods, 5th International Symposium, NFM 2013, Moffett Field, CA, USA, May 14-16, 2013. Proceedings. Springer 2013. 93-107

[20] Wolfgang Puffitsch, Eric Noulard, Claire Pagetti. Mapping a Multi-Rate Synchronous Language to a Many-Core Processor. In 19th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'13), Philadelphia, USA, April 9 - 11, 2013,  293-302 [pdf]

[19] Rémy Wyss, Frédéric Boniol, Julien Forget, Claire Pagetti. End-to-end latency computation in a multi-periodic design. In 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'13), Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22, 2013, 1682-1687. [pdf Version FAC 2012]

[18] Rémy Wyss, Frédéric Boniol, Julien Forget, Claire Pagetti. A Synchronous Language with Partial Delay Specification for Real-Time Systems Programming. In 10th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS'12), Kyoto, Japan, December 11-13, 2012, 223-238

[17] Julie Baro, Mikel Cordovilla, Frédéric Boniol, Eric Noulard and Claire Pagetti. Off-line (Optimal) Multiprocessor Scheduling of Dependent Periodic Tasks. In 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'12), Italy, March 2012,  1815-1820. [pdf Version FAC 2011]

[16] Frédéric Boniol, Hugues Cassé, Eric Noulard, Claire Pagetti. Deterministic Execution Model on COTS Hardware. In 25th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS'12), 2012, pages 98-110.

[15] Michaël Lauer, Frédéric Boniol, Jérôme Ermont and Claire Pagetti. Worst Case Temporal Consistency in Integrated Modular Avionics Systems. In 13th IEEE International High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium (HASE 2011). Boca raton-Floride -USA, 10-12 Nov 2011, pages 212-219.

[14] Mikel Cordovilla, Frédéric Boniol, Julien Forget, Eric Noulard and Claire Pagetti. Developing critical embedded systems on multicore architectures: the Prelude-SchedMCore toolset. In 19th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS'11), Nantes, France, September 29-30 2011. [pdf]

[13] Michaël Lauer, Frédéric Boniol, Jérôme Ermont and Claire Pagetti. Latency and freshness analysis on IMA systems. In 16th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'11), Toulouse, France, September 5-9 2011. [pdf]

[12] Julien Forget, Emmanuel Grolleau, Claire Pagetti and Pascal Richard. Dynamic Priority Scheduling of Periodic Tasks with Extended Precedences. In 16th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'11), Toulouse, France, September 5-9 2011. [pdf]

[11] Mikel Cordovilla, Frédéric Boniol, Eric Noulard and Claire Pagetti. Multiprocessor schedulability  analyser. In 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'11), Taichung, Taiwan, March 2011. [pdf Version JdT]

[10] Michaël Lauer, Jérôme Ermont, Claire Pagetti, Frédéric Boniol. Analyzing end-to-end Functional Delays on an IMA Platform. In 4th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISOLA 2010), pages 243-257, Amirandes, Heraclion, Crete, October 18-20, 2010.

[9] Julien Forget, Frédéric Boniol, Emmanuel Grolleau, David Lesens and Claire Pagetti. Scheduling Dependent Periodic Tasks Without Synchronization Mechanisms, pdf In 16th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'10), pages 301-310, Stockholm, Sweden, April 12-15 2010.

[8] Julien Forget, Frédéric Boniol, David Lesens and Claire Pagetti. A Real-Time Architecture Design Language for Multi-Rate Embedded Control Systems. In 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'10), pages 527-534, Sierre, Switzerland, March 22-26 2010.

[7] Julien Forget, Frédéric Boniol, David Lesens and Claire Pagetti. A Multi-Periodic Synchronous Data-Flow Language In 11th IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium (HASE'08), pages 251-260, Nanjing, China, December 2008. [pdf]

[6] Frédéric Boniol, Pierre-Emmanuel Hladik, Claire Pagetti, Frédéric Aspro and Victor Jégu. A Framework for Distributing Real-Time Functions. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS'08), pp 155--169, Saint-Malo, France, September 2008, LNCS 5215. Springer-Verlag. [pdf]

[5] Frédéric Boniol, Claire Pagetti and François Revest. Functionally Deterministic Scheduling. In ISoLA Workshop On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, 33--40, France, 2007, Cépaduès-Editions. [pdf]

[4] Manuel Baclet and Claire Pagetti. Around Hopcroft's Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA'06), Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, August 2006, LNCS 4094, pages 114-125. Springer-Verlag. [pdf]

[3] Albert Cohen, Marc Duranton, Christine Eisenbeis, Claire Pagetti, Florence Plateau and Marc Pouzet. N-sychronous Kahn networks. In : 33th ACM Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages (PoPL'06), pp. 180--193. Charleston, South Carolina, January 2006. [ps.gz]

[2] Albert Cohen, Marc Duranton, Christine Eisenbeis, Claire Pagetti, Florence Plateau and Marc Pouzet. Synchronization of periodic clocks. In : ACM Conf. on Embedded Software (EMSOFT'05). pp. 339--342 (short paper). Jersey City, New York, Septembre 2005. [ps.gz]

[1] Michael Adélaïde and Claire Pagetti. On the Urgency Expressiveness. In Kamal Lodaya and Meena Mahajan, editors, Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Fundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS'04), volume 3328 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 71--83, Chennai, India, December 2004. Springer-Verlag. [ps]


National Proceedings

[5] Gilles Lasnier, Janette Cardoso, Claire Pagetti and Pierre Siron. Environnement de coopération de simulation pour la conception de systèmes
cyber-physiques. Dans Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'2013).

[4] Michaël Lauer, Frédéric Boniol, Jérôme Ermont et Claire Pagetti. Analyse de latence et fraîcheur sur systèmes IMA. Dans Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'2011) -Ecole centrale de lille-France (16-18 Nov 2011).

[3] Frédéric Boniol, Mikel Cordovilla, Julien Forget, David Lesens et Claire Pagetti. Implantation multitâche de programmes synchrones multipériodiques. In Olivier H. Roux et Didier Lime (ed.), Actes du 7ième colloque francophone sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'09), Nantes, France, 16 au 18 Novembre 2009. JESA, Volume 43 - n 7-8-9/2009 , p 741--755. [pdf]

[2] Xavier Dumas, Claire Pagetti, Laurent Sagaspe, Pierre Bieber and Philippe Dhaussy. Vers la génération de modèles de sûreté de fonctionnement. In 2ème Conférence Francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles (CAL 2008), Canada. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information RNTI-L-2 Cépaduès-Editions. Pages 157-172. 2008 [pdf]

[1] Claire Pagetti. Une extension temporisée d'AltaRica. In Actes du Congrès Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, MSR'03, 2003. [pdf ]


Claire Pagetti. Programmation sûre de plates-formes embarquées de type multi/pluri-cœurs. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, INPT, 2015. [pdf]

Claire Pagetti, Extension temps réel du langage AltaRica. Thèse de doctorat de l'École Centrale de Nantes et de l'Université de Nantes, 2004. [ps.gz]


Other published material

[16] Frédéric Boniol, Youcef Bouchebaba, Julien Brunel, Kevin Delmas, Claire Pagetti, Thomas Polacsek and Nathanaël Sensfelder. PHYLOG: a model-based certification framework. In 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2018.

[15] Jérôme Hugues, Christophe Honvault, Claire Pagetti. Model-based design, analysis and synthesis for multi-core and TSP avionics targets. In 9th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2018)

[14] Frédéric Boniol, Youcef Bouchebaba, Julien Brunel, Kevin Delmas, Claire Pagetti, Thomas Polacsek and Nathanaël Sensfelder. PHYLOG: a model-based certification framework. In 9th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2018)

[13] Gerhard Fohler, Gautam Gala, Daniel Gracia Pérez, Claire Pagetti. Evaluation of DREAMS resource management solutions on a mixed-critical demonstrator. In 9th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2018)

[12] Quentin Perret, Pascal Maurère, Éric Noulard, Claire Pagetti, Pascal Sainrat, Benoît Triquet. Predictable composition of memory accesses on many-core processors. In Embedded Real Time Software (ERTS'16), 2016. [pdf]

[11] Guy Durrieu, Gerhard Fohler, Gautam Gala, Sylvain Girbal, Daniel Gracia Pérez, Eric Noulard, Claire Pagetti, Simara Pérez. DREAMS about reconfiguration and adaptation in avionics. In Embedded Real Time Software (ERTS'16), 2016. [pdf]

[10] Sylvain Girbal, Daniel Gracia Pérez, Jimmy Le Rhun, Madeleine Faugère, Claire Pagetti, Guy Durrieu. A complete toolchain for an interference-free deployment of avionic applications on multi-core systems. In 34th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2015. [pdf]

[9] Guy Durrieu, Madeleine Faugere, Sylvain Girbal, Daniel Gracia Pérez, Claire Pagetti, Wolfgang Puffitsch. Predictable Flight Management System Implementation on a Multicore Processor. In Embedded Real Time Software (ERTS'14), 2014. [pdf]

[8] Pierre Bieber, Julien Brunel, Kushal Gupta, Eric Noulard, Claire Pagetti, Thierry Planche, François Vialard, Clément Ketchedji,  Bernard Bésinet and  Philippe Despres. Reconfigurable IMA platform: from safety assessment to test scenarios on the Scarlett demonstrator. In Embedded Real Time Software (ERTS'12), 2012. [pdf]

[7] Julien Forget, Emmanuel Grolleau et Claire Pagetti. Ordonnancement de tâches périodiques avec précédences étendues sans sémaphores. In 12e congrès annuel de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF'11), Saint-Etienne, France, March 2-4 2011.

[6] Pierre Bieber, Julien Brunel, Eric Noulard, Claire Pagetti, Thierry Planche and François Vialard. Preliminary Design of Future Reconfigurable IMA Platforms - Safety assessment. In the 27th Congress International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2010), Nice, France 19-24 September, 2010.

[5] Michaël Lauer, Jérôme Ermont, Frédéric Boniol and Claire Pagetti. An interval based method for embedded network analysis. In 3rd Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC 2009), Paris, France, October 26-27, 2009

[4] Julien Forget, Frédéric Boniol, David Lesens and Claire Pagetti. Implementing Multi-Periodic Critical Systems: from Design to Code Generation. In Formal Methods for Aerospace (FMA'09), November 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

[3] Pierre Bieber, Eric Noulard, Claire Pagetti, Thierry Planche and François Vialard. Preliminary Design of Future Reconfigurable IMA Platforms. In 2nd Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES'09), Grenoble, October 2009. SIGBED Review, Volume 6, Number 3. [pdf]

[2] Julien Forget, Frédéric Boniol, David Lesens, Claire Pagetti and Marc Pouzet. Programming Languages For Hard Real-Time Embedded Systems. In Embedded Real Time Software (ERTS'08), 2008. [pdf]

[1] Claire Pagetti, Franck Cassez and Olivier Roux. Hierarchical Modeling and Verification of Timed Systems in Timed AltaRica. In UNU/IIST Macau Zhiming Liu, editor, Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS'03), pages 63-80, Pisa, Italy, September 2003. UNU/IIST, Macau. Pisa, Italy, September 8-9, 2003. [pdf]


Internal reports

Albert Cohen, Marc Duranton, Christine Eisenbeis, Claire Pagetti, Florence Plateau, and Marc Pouzet. Synchronizing Periodic Clocks in Kahn Networks. RR5603 Rapport de recherche de l'INRIA - Futurs , Equipe : ALCHEMY 38 pages - Juin 2005.[ pdf]

Michael Adélaïde and Claire Pagetti. When the Minimal Number of Clocks is Computable. Technical report 1329-04, Labri Bordeaux, june 2004. [ ps.gz]

Franck Cassez, Claire Pagetti, and Olivier Roux. A Timed Extension for AltaRica. Technical report R 12002--13, IRCCyN, 1 rue de la Noë, BP 92101, 44321 Nantes Cedex 3, France, November 2002. [pdf ]