
BLAST: ONERA boosts start-ups with 13 scientific experts
BLAST: ONERA boosts start-ups with 13 scientific experts

By the end of June 2021, 13 start-ups were involved in the BLAST programme. Today, ONERA is sending a mentor to each of the start-ups to assist them in their project.

    ONERA, European Commission’s aerospace and defence industry expert
ONERA, European Commission’s aerospace and defence industry expert

ONERA's appointment to the directorate-general for defence industry and space (DEFIS) expert group is a recognition of its skills in the integration of multidisciplinary research for the benefit of innovation in the space, defence and aeronautics sectors.

Space propulsion: ONERA and Ariane 6
Space propulsion: ONERA and Ariane 6

While Space X prepares to launch its first tourist space flight, other players in the sector in France and Europe are rather working on new, more robust and greener launchers. Moreover, to improve space propulsion, ONERA remains the key partner of CNES and Ariane Group.

Decarbonising aviation: ONERA clear for take-off!
Sustainable aviation
Decarbonising aviation: ONERA clear for take-off!

People often talk about “long-term research”; for ONERA today, this is not a fashion statement when it comes to environmental concerns. Its vast, tried and tested work is the basis necessary for taking the sharp turn towards decarbonised aviation.

Cloud cover prediction: successful satellite launch
Cloud cover prediction: successful satellite launch

How to save time by optimising satellite images? By reconciling physical understanding, learning technology and "newspace" capabilities, ONERA wants to propose a "smarter" Earth observation satellite concept.

BLAST: immediate boarding for 4 ONERA researchers
SATT Paris saclay
BLAST: immediate boarding for 4 ONERA researchers

At the beginning of January 2021, Starburst, ONERA, SATT Paris-Saclay and Polytechnique joined forces to launch BLAST, the first French incubation programme designed for deep tech companies in our sector.

ONERA/ Thales: 10 years of cooperation to empower French mine-hunting drones
ONERA/ Thales: 10 years of cooperation to empower French mine-hunting drones

For 10 years now, ONERA has been fulfilling its mission of transferring its research on intelligent systems to the French military operational landscape. Today, the tools have evolved and allow the construction of a decision-making architecture with a distribution of the decision between the command systems and the drones.

A new director for the Wind Tunnels Department
A new director for the Wind Tunnels Department

Marie-José Martinez, Engineer-General Second Class, joined ONERA on May 3rd as Wind Tunnels director. She was previously director of the DGA propellant test centre. She succeeds Patrick Wagner, with whom she will be working closely until his retirement. A look back at a brilliant career with a predominant aeronautical and international focus.

Pierre Touboul passed away
Pierre Touboul passed away

Pierre Touboul was a researcher at ONERA, specialist in space physics. Internationally recognized, his research had led to the creation of unique world-class devices for measuring gravity and acceleration in space. Pierre passed away on Monday 15th of February.