
Injection of fuel in a combustion chamber

13 March 2006

copyright © ONERA 2006 - Tous droits réservés Evaporation de gouttes de carburant au contact d'une flamme
copyright © ONERA 2006 - All rights reserved
Evaporation of drops of fuel on contact with a flame

A diffusion flame was generated (illustration above). Drops of a known diameter (between 50 and 100 µm) were injected perpendicularly to this flame. The phenomenon is illuminated by a laser sheet and a rapid video camera used to analyze the behavior of the drops. The figure below shows the interaction between the drop of fuel and the flame, which leads to the evaporation of the drop.

copyright © ONERA 2006 - Tous droits réservés Flamme de diffusion [le brûleur a un diamètre de 50 mm environ]
copyright © ONERA 2006 - All rights reserved
Diffusion flame [the burner has a diameter of about 50 mm]

The mission of the "Heterogeneous Multiphasics" unit of the Aerodynamics and Energetics Modeling Department [DMAE] is to understand and model phenomena linked to injection in engines (aeronautics or space). We are conducting basic studies on each of the occurency phenomena at play (atomization, coalescence, rebound, evaporation, etc.). Up till now, these experiments have been carried out under laboratory conditions. During 2006, the unit will operate in LACOM, a new test facility that will allow to validate the knowledge acquired in the realistic pressure, temperature and flow conditions found in an engine.

L'objectif est de fournir des outils qui permettront d'améliorer les moteurs en termes de consommation et de protection de l'environnement.

copyright © ONERA 2006 - Tous droits réservés Génération d'un tourbillon au centre de la flamme de diffusion
The objective is to provide tools that can be used to improve engines in terms of consumption and protection of the environment.

Author: François-Xavier d'Herbigny
Engineer in the Aerodynamics and Energetics Modeling Department [DMAE]

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