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Latest (r)evolutions in detectors from the visible to the infrared

17 December 2018 - 18 December 2018

Auditorium de l’Institut d’Optique

2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel, 91120 Palaiseau

This conference aims to bring together the main actors in the world of detection and optronic systems: industrialists, researchers, engineers and students. The oral presentations will focus on the latest developments in the field of detectors, from the visible to the infrared domain. Plenary discussions and a poster session will allow for many exchanges between participants. Visits of the partner laboratories will also be proposed.

Latest (r)evolutions in detectors from the visible to the infrared



Oral presentations (December 17th & 18th) - Talks will be divided into the following sessions
  • Detector requirements
  • Low light level detectors
  • III-V & II-VI detectors
  • Prospective developments
Poster session on December 18th from 13h to 14h30
Visits of partner laboratories on December 18th from 17h to 18h


Target audience : industrialists, researchers, engineers and students working in the field of detection and optronic systems.

Download the full program



Registration is free of charge

Due date for registration : November, 23rd, 2018
Due date for abstract submission for the poster session: November, 23rd, 2018

Abstract for the poster session: 250-word summary + 1 illustration + 2 references

Informations and abstract submission for the poster session : jso-detecteurs@onera.fr

Access to the JSO website to register



Isabelle Ribet - isabelle.ribet @ onera.fr
Sylvie Bernhardt - sylvie.bernhardt @ onera.fr
François Julien - francois.julien @ c2n.upsaclay.fr


Partners & sponsors

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