27 June 2022 - 01 July 2022

Lille Grand Palais (France)

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France and Belgium join forces and invite you to Lille (France, #hellolille) from June, 27th to July, 1st, 2022, on the occasion of the  9th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences organised by EUCASS. This edition has received the support of the Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF) and will be carried out with the partnership of the clusters Aér'Hauts-de-France, Normandie Aerospace and Skywin for Belgium.
After a difficult period for the aeronautical and space sectors, EUCASS-3AF 2022 will be an opportunity for our scientific community to renew direct scientific contacts and present its results and proposals for tomorrow's aeronautics and space in a world forced to change.

EUCASS is the largest aerospace conference in Europe, the high-level forum for all aeronautic and space research players: System Integration, Flight Physics, Flight Dynamics, GNC & Avionics, Structures and Materials, Propulsion Physics, and more other transverse topics related to aeronautic and aerospace, RLV, ISRU, UAVs, Sustainable Space Logistics (list available on the website).

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