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Advanced numerical simulation – SNA

This covers the entire research and development processes associated with the scientific and technical production of ONERA in the form of software, and therefore covers, for all physics disciplines, research into modeling, algorithmic studies and applied mathematics, the problems of high-performance calculation, the couplings between different physical phenomena, model scale-down techniques, and the integration of uncertainties.

The purpose of numerical simulation is to enable in-depth understanding of the physics, satisfy sovereign requirements (safety, environment, certification, etc.), and help improve the competitiveness of manufacturers. The activities are based on high-level fundamental research and fruitful collaboration, leading to structural projects that are often large-scale and long-term.




ONERA software takes advantage of the specific characteristics of the Office's position. Besides drawing on the experimentation-modeling-simulation triptych and the availability of multi-disciplinary skills in physical modeling and digital sciences, the close relations fostered with industrial partners provide detailed and evolving knowledge of needs, rapid transfer of research into industry, and validation via use on realistic configurations. The development by ONERA of its own softwares meets its needs for independence in its research and for capitalizing on its scientific and technical assets.


Advanced Numerical Simulation (SNA) concerns the development of methods and tools for numerical simulation, but not their applicative implementation. SNA is a cross-functional domain in close interaction with the four other scientific domains and the seven research departments of ONERA.



Scientific topics of the Advanced Numerical Simulation domain

The Advanced Numerical Simulation (SNA) domain covers 3 scientific topics spread across 4 departments of ONERA.

Topics Scientific Departement References
Numerical methods DMAS-DMPE-DAAA 60, 61 - 9, 10
Simulation and high performance calculation DAAA 60, 61 - 9, 10
Applied mathematics and scientific calculation DTIS 26, 41 - 9, 10


Many of the scientific topics concerning first and foremost another scientific domain are also secondarily associated with the SNA domain. These concern the 7 departments of ONERA, and here are some examples:

  • Aeroelasticity (DAAA), Acoustics (DAAA), Multi-Fidelity Optimization (DAAA)
  • Multiphase flows (DMPE), Reactive flows (DMPE)
  • Structural mechanics, design and optimization of structures (DMAS)
  • Simulation of the electromagnetic scene (DEMR)
  • Environment and signatures for optronic sensors (DOTA)
  • Lightning, plasma and electric thrusters (DPHY)
  • Systems design and optimization (DTIS)