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Wind measurement

Testing of the latest ONERA fibre laser source lidar during a storm

The Licorne lidar integration platform, equipped with a new generation fibre laser source, measured the wind speed during a strong wind episode with a 12 km range (maximum range of 16 km - world record held by this same platform)

27 March 2015

ONERA’s Licorne "wind lidar" platform measured the winds during the storm Hermann in January 2015 on a path from Palaiseau to Arpajon (south of Paris). Under these conditions, the lidar measured winds of about 90 km/h at a distance of about 12 km.

The maximum range of the instrument, reached during a windy episode on a clear day, is 16km, which is a world record for a fibre laser source.

LICORNE plate-forme Lidar mesure vitesse du vent

ONERA’s Licorne platform installed on a roof of the Palaiseau centre, measuring

This new generation fibre laser source designed and developed at ONERA allows the Licorne platform to measure the wind speed in real time at a rate of 10 Hz and a spatial resolution of 150 m. Rapid airspeed fluctuations are detected

An application for this type of long-range lidar is airport security.


Wind speed measurements with the Licorne platform. The figures show the wind speed as a function of the distance. Top: on a clear day, reaching the maximum range (16 km). Bottom, with a strong wind but with a range of less than 12 km, due to lower visibility.

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