
Crash !

The pilot of an aircraft is sometimes compelled to proceed to an emergency landing. According to the reasons and the circumstances, secured landing procedures are imposed to him. For instance he can have to land wheels up".


17 July 2007

Simulation of the influence of the riveting
process on the toughness of the assemblies

Simulation de l'écrasement d'une structure réelle de tronçon de fuselage d'avion
Crash simulation
of a real fuselage structure

 During such a maneuver, the aircraft touches down at low vertical speed, and ends its flight sliding on the ground. The contact area defined by the procedure is located at the rear cargo part of the aircraft.

In order to study the behaviour of aircrafts in such configurations and to include crash certification requirements* in the design process, industrials use powerful finite element** tools and computers. These tools make it possible to take into account in the numerical models, at different scale levels, a large pannel of parameters which eventually influence the structural behaviour of the aircraft (soil, materials, assemblies, ...).

Scientific Experts :
J.L. Charles, E. Deletombe, B. Langrand
Département Mécanique du Solide et de l'Endommagement (DMSE)


  • *Certification requirements
    Rules or criteria that the aircraft has to satisfy in ordear to be entitled to fly in a country acknowledging these rules.
  • **Finite elements
    In structures computation, geometrical objects (triangles, quadrilaterals, etc.) which strains and stresses are dictated by shapes and material mathematical models. These objects are used to mesh a complex struture into a large number of simple elements.
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