

Wing flutter control in S2MA wind-tunnel

A demonstration of active control of wing flutter by control surfaces was successfully confirmed in the ONERA S2Ma wind tunnel.

04 May 2011

ONERA aeroelasticity specialists have confirmed the active control of wing flutter by control surfaces in a wind tunnel (end of 2010). With this control, the appearance of this instability phenomenon has been delayed, allowing a distinct increase in the flight domain.

This demonstration was carried out in the ONERA S2MA wind tunnel in Modane, with a generic model fitted with a trailing edge control surface. The control principle used during these tests is based on the introduction of non-stationary aerodynamic stabilising forces by this control surface.

A measurement of the structure's dynamic response is used as input to the control law that controls the control surface servo-control. The numerical control laws tested using a real time system showed their effectiveness for different structural configurations.

The S2MA wind tunnel duct with a half-aircraft model intended for wing aeroelasticity studies.
The S2MA wind tunnel duct with a half-aircraft model intended for wing aeroelasticity studies..

Video showing the appearance of the flutter phenomenon in the absence of any control. Active control prevents the phenomenon from starting.

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