

Signing of an ENAC-ONERA strategic agreement

The signing of a partnership agreement between the National School of Civil Aviation ENAC (Ecole Nationale d'Aviation Civile) and ONERA by Marc Houalla, Director of the ENAC and Denis Maugars, President-General Director of ONERA, at the time of the Paris Air-show (Le Bourget), on Thursday June 23rd, 2011.

23 June 2011

While ONERA is a research center, the ENAC rather resembles a university (it is a school for pilots, controllers, engineers and aviation technicians). Both have two common goals: promoting scientific research of excellence and providing solutions for both national and international customers.

Joint actions aimed at making air traffic management (ATM) safer, more effective and more European are the core priorities of both signatories and will be amplified. These actions include, in particular, studies aimed at including drones in air traffic.

The two parties will together explore the design of the future ATM, flight safety, navigation by satellite (GNSS, etc.), the environment and air transport economics. The ENAC and ONERA will act in concert in these fields for the DGAC (General Directorate for Civil Aviation) and European authorities.

Denis Maugars, PDG of ONERA and Pascal Revel, Associate Director of ENAC
Denis Maugars, PDG of ONERA and Pascal Revel, Associate Director of ENAC

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