
Alternative fuels for aviatio

The results of the SWAFEA study are published

The final report of the European project Swafea, on the feasibility and effects of introducing alternative fuels in aviation, is available. 

28 November 2011

<p>The European project Swafea, on the feasibility and effects of introducing alternative fuels in aviation, was conducted under ONERA management with 19 European industrial partners (Airbus, Rolls-Royce, Snecma, Shell, Air France, etc.) and research partners (IFP-EN, DLR, WUR, etc.).<br /><br />The preliminary results of the study were presented and discussed with the various participating parties in February 2011, during the international conference organised in Toulouse. The final report, which includes the conclusions of this conference, sets out a number of recommendations to accompany the emergence of alternative fuels in the aviation sector.<br /><br />The main results of the study were also presented during the AERODAYS 2011, in Madrid</p>
<p><img alt="Evaluation pour l'aéronautique de carburants élternatifs dans les laboratoires de centre Onera de Palaiseau" src="/sites/default/files/actualites/breves/2011-1129-carburant-vert-laboratoire.jpg" style="width: 500px; height: 392px;" /></p>
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