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  • ONERA has inaugurated the Equipex MATMECA atomisation tower


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ONERA has inaugurated the Equipex MATMECA atomisation tower

Installed at the Onera Palaiseau site, this equipment worth 1.6 million €, mainly financed by the General Commission for Investment (CGI) via the ANR, will enable the development of new metal alloys for various industrial sectors.

18 March 2014

SONDRA was officially launched on 28 April 2004, after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of the joint research laboratory between the two countries, with Singapore’s Defence Minister, Dr. Tony Tan, and his French counterpart, Michele Alliot-Marie. The France-Singapore Laboratory (ONERA, Supelec and two institutions in Singapore) has just celebrated its 10th anniversary in Singapore with all the stake holders involved. 

A  celebration is also planned in France on June, 13.

SONDRA conducts research and technology low TRL (0-2) on the observation by combining physical and radar signal processing.

Système d'antennes aéroporté CARGESE
The airborne antennas system CARGESE, emblematic of the active cooperation between ONERA and DSO within SONDRA

SONDRA's 10th anniversary was featured in 3 different local platforms and they are:

Cyberpioneer (online magazine of the Singapore Armed Forces): http://www.mindef.gov.sg/imindef/resourcelibrary/cyberpioneer/topics/articles/news/2014/apr/16apr14_news.html#.U1ZJcNLHkQk

NUS Bi-annual Publication from Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering: http://www.dso.org.sg/cmsresource/20140327638265202457.pdf

NUS website: http://news.nus.edu.sg/highlights/7613-singapore-french-defence-research-partnership-celebrates-10th-anniversary


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An exemple of the research in Sondra:


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