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International Cooperation

ONERA, JAXA and DLR sign a new agreement of research on the supersonic boom

On the occasion of their annual meeting, ONERA, JAXA* and DLR* signed a new research agreement specifying the terms of an enhanced trilateral scientific cooperation for 3 years.

10 April 2017

Civil supersonic transportation has been stopped since the French/British Concorde retired. One of the main causes which prevent the civil supersonic travel is sonic-boom.

To raise the technological challenge of reducing this boom, ONERA, JAXA and DLR gather their expertise’s by signing a new agreement of research on March 24th, 2017 in Chofu (Tokyo).

This agreement focuses on the prediction and minimization of sonic-boom.

Signature of the agreement by Prof. Rolf Henke, Executive Board  Member Aeronautics (DLR);
Dr. Fumikazu Ito, Vice President of JAXA, Director General of Aeronautical Technology Directorate (JAXA); Bruno Sainjon, CEO (ONERA). © ONERA


* JAXA - Japan aerospace exploration agency

* DLR - German national center for aerospace, energy and transportation research 

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