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International Cooperation

New CEO of DSO National Laboratories, Mr. CHEONG Chee Hoo, welcomed at ONERA on 12 and 13 January 2017

Mr. CHEONG Chee Hoo, new CEO of Singapore’s largest national defence R&D organization -DSO National Laboratories- visited ONERA on 12 and 13 January 2017.

17 January 2017

This meeting was an opportunity for President Bruno Sainjon to confirm to Mr. CHEONG Chee Hoo, that ONERA considers cooperation with DSO of utmost importance.

In addition to the review of various ongoing joint research programs, Mr. CHEONG Chee Hoo met the teams of  the SONDRA alliance, a laboratory including ONERA, CentraleSupelec, National University of Singapore (NUS) and DSO talents. Then, he discovered the CNRS Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (LPN) and its ONERA- joint lab - MINaO. He also visited several ONERA’s scientific departments, where he was presented with research activities such as high angular resolution domain, the laser laboratory, or the science mission center of the Microscope experiment.

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