Issue 4: Mastering Complexity
The fourth issue of Aerospace Lab, the Onera International Journal, is on line on It is devoted to the mastering of complexity.
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The Onera demonstrator Ressac, designed to experience new models for the autonomy of drones
Each issue focuses on a specific field of interest to the international scientific community. Its purpose is to provide an overview of emerging and promising research in the field, compared to the state of the art. Two issues are published each year, with a selection of topics such that an updated overview of the whole aerospace field will steadily be assembled.
The three first issues, still on line, were respectively dedicated to:
- Optical Diagnostics of Flows
- CFD Platforms and Coupling
- High Temperature Materials
The next one will present advances on Lightning hazards to Aircraft and Launchers.
Please feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested.
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