
Aerospace Lab Journal

Issue 3: High Temperature Materials

The third issue of Aerospace Lab, the Onera International Journal, is on line on It is devoted to High Temperature Materials. 

23 November 2011


Aerospace Lab Journal - 3 is devoted to High Temperature Materials. Here, ceramics for a re-entry vehicle appplication
Aerospace Lab Journal - 3 is devoted to High Temperature Materials. Here, ceramics for a re-entry vehicle appplication (video)

 (video) Aerospace Lab is an open access electronic journal dedicated to scientific progress in aeronautics and space research. Its featured technical fields therefore include aerodynamics, propulsion, materials, structures, physics, sensors, information processing, and systems engineering.

Each issue focuses on a specific field of interest to the international scientific community. Its purpose is to provide an overview of emerging and promising research in the field, compared to the state of the art. Two issues are published each year, with a selection of topics such that an updated overview of the whole aerospace field will steadily be assembled.

The two first issues, still on line, were respectively dedicated to the Optical Diagnostics of Flows and to CFD Platforms and Coupling. The next one will present advances on Mastering Complexity

Les deux premiers numéros, toujours accessibles, portaient respectivement sur le diagnostic optique des écoulements et sur les plates-formes de calcul pour la dynamique des fluides.

Le quatrième numéro, prévu pour juin 2012, sera dédié à la maîtrise de la complexité.


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