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Press release

Graphene, carbon nanotubes, microstructure research … Spotlight on an eminent French scientist, Annick Loiseau

The first meeting of the Executive Committee of Europe's Graphene Flagship project was held on October 11, 2013 in Sweden. Annick Loiseau is a member of this committee and a leading scientist with Onera, the French aerospace research center, where she is involved in three main areas of research.

28 October 2013
  • European Graphene Flagship: Annick Loiseau was appointed national contact for the preliminary project phase in 2011, prior to being officially assigned this mission by French national scientific research agency CNRS. She was appointed to the European Executive Committee in October 2013, taking part in decisions concerning the consortium's overall strategy. Annick is one of only two women on the committee, along with a Spanish colleague.

“It's fascinating to be able to participate in European research policy, and to use this Flagship project to energize and generate synergies between the main French players in graphene research."

  • Graphene-Nanotube Research Group: Annick Loiseau has been director of this group for five years, on behalf of CNRS, coordinating all national research in this very promising field. The group comprises a broad range of members, including university labs, CNRS research units, major research organizations such as Onera and CEA (French atomic energy commission) and industry. Her role is to foster research collaboration between the different players, and to organize the distribution of results.
  • Laboratory for Microstructural Investigations (LEM, a joint Onera-CNRS research unit): Annick Loiseau, as Onera research director, coordinates research into carbon-based nanostructures at this lab. Part of this research is carried out in conjunction with various Onera departments, and is funded by Onera.

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