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Challenges in Combustion for Aerospace Propulsion

The 11th issue of AerospaceLab Journal, the ONERA International Journal, is on line. This issue of AerospaceLab gives the reader an overview of this activity around combustion, ranging from experimental to theoretical and numerical work.

14 September 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In order to tackle all the problems of combustion, it is necessary to fully understand the interaction between the many complex physical phenomena involved in combustion systems: turbulence, chemical kinetics, multiphase flow behavior, heat and species diffusion, heat transfer to the walls, radiative transfer and acoustics.

This  difficult task requires vigorous research activity to be incessantly pursued.

This issue of AerospaceLab is aimed at giving the reader an idea of the large field of research in that domain, including works ranging from experimental combustion to physical modelling and numerical simulation of combustion.

It is also aimed at convincing the reader that these works are complementary with each other.

The ten first issues, still on line, were respectively dedicated to:

  • Optical Diagnostics of Flows
  • CFD Platforms and Coupling
  • High Temperature Materials
  • Mastering Complexity
  • Lightning Hazards to Aircraft and Launchers
  • Flow Control: the Renewal of Aerodynamics
  • Aeroacoustics
  • Aerial Robotics
  • Life Prediction Methodologies for Materials and Structures
  • Plasmas for Aeronautics

The next one will discuss Testing in Aerospace research, in connexion with the 70th anniversary of ONERA. 

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