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Academic Award for CEDRE, a Great Software Application for Combustion and Propulsion

The French Air and Space Academy has given an award for Cedre, ONERA’s reference simulation software for energy and propulsion, used both in research and in the aerospace industry.

06 January 2013

The 2012 Medal of the Air and Space Academy was awarded to the ONERA Cedre team, represented by B. Courbet, D. Scherrer, Ph. Villedieu and F. Vuillot, scientists at ONERA. The ceremony was held in the Capitol Hall of Fame in Toulouse, last November 23rd.

This medal was awarded in recognition of the success of the Cedre code, ONERA’s reference simulation software for energy and propulsion. Cedre has allowed significant progress in the field of research and has provided a highly effective computer assisted design tool for aerospace and defense industrialists.

Simulation Cedre de l’écoulement réactif diphasique dans la chambre de combustion TLC (Towards Lean Combustion). Prévision des NOx à moins de 10% et prédiction correcte de la topologie du champ de suies.
Cedre simulation of two-phase reactive flow in the TLC (Towards Lean Combustion) combustion chamber. Prediction of NOx at less than 10% and a good prediction of the soot field topology.

Since 1998, Cedar has been capitalizing on ONERA’s experimental knowledge on reactive flows. More than a dozen developers continually make it more advanced, from the information technology and numerical point of view, and of course from the physical and chemical point of view. Twenty theses on the subject are currently underway and over fifty engineers are using it for their projects. The main participants of the sector (Herakles, Snecma, MBDA, Astrium, CNES, etc.) are Cedre customers, which use it within the framework of licensing agreements.

Simulation Cedre des oscillations de pression dans un moteur à propergol solide
Cedre simulation of the pressure oscillations in a solid fuel engine

What are Cedre’s best features? The systematic experimental validation of its models on configurations that are representative of the simulations; the use of general unstructured meshes, which can be refined at will; its very good performance on parallel and massively parallel architectures; its "multisolver" organization, where models with different physics can be made to interact. (Examples of solvers: dispersed-biphasic phase, thermal radiation, real fluid-gas, multi-species, reactive, turbulent, conduction in solids, liquid film) its ability to be coupled with other codes for very different physics: for example, ZeBuLoN for mechanics and Saturne for lightning.

Applications include: all types of turbomachinery, super-ramjets and ramjet engines, detonation-wave engines, solid or liquid propulsion rocket engines, etc.

Simulation CEDRE de l’onde de souffle d’un lanceur simulée au banc Martel de Poitiers
CEDRE results for a launcher shock simulated on the Martel bench at Poitiers

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