
Wind Tunnels

A400M Program

Delivery of the first A400M : ONERA reporting back on his participation in the program.

07 October 2013

Delivery of the first A400M : ONERA reporting back on his participation in the program
The design of the A400M has required a significant amount of wind tunnel tests, probably
one of the highest among the aircraft programs in recent years, especially the A380. Reporting
back on a successful mission!

The A400M test campaigns, which took place until 2007, mobilised the teams of ONERA
Modane (Savoie) and Fauga-Mauzac (Haute-Garonne) large wind tunnels.

A400M model in F1

The aerodynamic problem required a very important experimental effort which was not
needed on other programmes. The problem of interaction between the propeller, engine,
fuselage, rear tail and the wing is indeed difficult to reach by calculation, at least not with the
required accuracy. The behavior of the engine air intakes in the presence of the propellers and
the performance of the nozzles were also evaluated.

Onera has run campaigns on different types of models: from a full motorised model to
those with different subsystems. Few elements have not been yet tested in our facilities.
The virtues of the experimental approach were highlighted thanks to this program.

A400M Model in S1MA

These campaigns have allowed the measurement of the loads generated by the engines on
the whole assembly. The characteristics of the TP400 engine nozzle were also explored,
allowing the prediction of the thrust. The flying qualities have been fully identified, which has
allowed to determine the control laws of the device.

An ONERA - Airbus cooperation which has allowed to complete the particularly complex
aerodynamic challenge of the A400M!

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