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  • A World First with the achievement of an ultra-short pulse fibre laser emitting at 2 µm



A World First with the achievement of an ultra-short pulse fibre laser emitting at 2 µm

More reliable and more efficient, this laser will have direct application in gas spectrometry. Other application fields: ophthalmic surgery.

04 October 2011

The new revolution in fibre lasers is underway today at the 2µm wavelength (mid-infrared), due particularly to the high efficiencies that can be obtained (higher than 60%).

For an operational system this parameter means low electrical power consumption and guarantees reliability.

A worldwide first has been achieved by ONERA with the creation of a single mode, totally fibered mode-locking laser emitting at 2µm with a pulse energy higher than 20nJ (Nano Joules), and having a duration of the order of one picosecond (10-12s).

This laser was made by William Renard, an ONERA doctorate student on the SOLAIRE project, co-financed by the Ile-de-France region. It is intended for gas spectroscopy in the mid-infrared (3-5 µm).

Another promising application for this laser is ophthalmic surgery (cornea incision).

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