

A revolution in coastal surveillance

Onera, the French aerospace research center, is developing a surface wave radar that will revolutionize our ability to survey coastal zones. This video, filmed during a series of tests in June 2010 at Biscarosse in southwest France, will give you a broader understanding of this new technology.

06 July 2010

Participants: Jean-Paul Bruyant, Business Development and Commercialization department, and Michel Menelle, Surface Wave Radar project manager


  • Surface wave radars, a revolution in coastal surveillance
  • 1’17’’: Onera’s contribution to surface wave radars
  • 1’58’’: What does a surface wave radar do?
  • 3’14’’: Onera’s demonstration at Biscarosse
  • 4’24: What’s in store for surface wave radars?

Surface wave radars will allow navies, coast guards and customs services to enhance their maritime surveillance capabilities.

Surface wave radars allow us to see “beyond the horizon”, and detect ships out to a range of 400 kilometers from the coast – versus 50 to 100 kilometers for current radars. These radars comprise a number of whip antennas, which transmit a signal that propagates off the sea surface, giving them extended range, before bouncing back to be captured by an array of receiving antennas along the coast.

In just three years, Onera has achieved significant improvements in the radar’s detection rate and system availability, making it one of the most effective radars of this type in the world. Onera is of course continuing its work on these promising radars, including tests under all sea conditions, both day and night and in different types of terrain.

A host of applications

Surface wave radars can be used for a wide range of applications, including surveillance of maritime traffic (unusual routes, cargo transfers and trafficking of all kinds), piracy and illegal fishing or immigration.

While French defense procurement agency DGA is funding this innovative technology, Onera has also signed a partnership agreement with Thales for export markets. Given Onera’s current level of technological maturity, an operational surface wave radar could be set up in just 18 months.

For further information please contact – 33 (0)1 46 73 40 65
or Hélène Coulbault helene.coulbault \@/ / Ingrid de Valbray \@/ - 33 (0)1 41 86 76 76.

Learn more: Complete interview with Jean-Paul Bruyant, Business Development and Commercialization department.

Pour en savoir plus, visualisez l'interview complète de Jean-Paul Bruyant, Direction commerciale et valorisation

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