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A Higher Degree of Industrial Realism for Aerodynamic Simulation

Industrialists and government agencies have praised the technological effect prediction quality of ONERA’s aerodynamic simulation software elsA. The latest developments around the multigrid method Chimère have been due to the complexity and details in regard to turbomachinery.

18 April 2013

The more complex the shapes are, the more complicated and time consuming to solve the fluid mechanics problems become. The presence of technological effects and innovating technologies in sizes that are much smaller than the characteristic dimensions of the general flow make the modeling even more difficult.

Multigrid mesh of a turbine compressor
Multigrid mesh of a turbine compressor

The ability to numerically represent the effect of these shapes on the flow is clearly a key competitiveness factor for our aerospace industry. Thus, a small bump can cause noise and drag, which must be taken into account. Among other things, this is what the Chimère method, which allows the modeling of flow areas using multiple overlapping and mobile mesh grids, enables us to do.

ONERA’s expertise in this area was recognized at the beginning of 2012, at the conclusion of the Aitec research project, which was dedicated to the non-stationary analysis of turbomachinery in aerodynamics and acoustics. At that time, the industrialists, the DGA and the DGAC applauded the technological effect prediction quality of ONERA’s aerodynamic simulation software elsA.

Modeling of a technical effect
Modeling of a technical effect

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