Present status and needs and gaps for Concentrated Solar Power

23 janvier 2017

16 heures en Amphi Becquerel
Alain Ferriere, PROMES/CNRS, Font Romeu
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Solar thermal power plants collect direct normal solar radiation using concentrating optics, convert it into heat in a receiver and finally into electricity with a thermodynamic cycle. The elevated overall solar-to-electric conversion efficiency and the thermal storage capability make solar thermal technologies attractive for a significant contribution to the increase of green power into the worldwide energy mix. However strong economic barriers limit the deployment of these technologies. The total installed capacity is only 4.8 GW and the growth rate is slower than expected in many energy scenarios.

This presentation will browse the main technical aspects and discuss the driving forces in favor and against concentrated solar power. Cost, price and values issues will be discussed.

Cocktail à l’issue de la conférence

Prochaine conférence :
Kamel Ben Naceur, Director Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, International Energy Agency, 27 février 2017
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Co-organisation :
Riad Haidar, ONERA
Professeur Claude Basdevant, Institut Coriolis pour l’Environnement, Ecole Polytechnique
