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  • Research activities on LOX/CH4-propulsion at the DLR-Institute of Space Propulsion (45 mns)

Research activities on LOX/CH4-propulsion at the DLR-Institute of Space Propulsion (45 mns)

27 janvier 2020

ONERA Palaiseau

Room Marcel Pierre - 2h00 pm

Speaker : Prof. Dr. Michael Oschwald, Head of Rocket Propulsion Department, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

A short introduction into the Institute of Space Propulsion in Lampoldshausen and the Department of Rocket Propulsion will be given. Then the research activities on LOX/CH4 propulsion will be presented. The topics include laser ignition, combustion, porous injection, flame visualization, combustion/acoustics interaction, cooling channel heat transfer, O2/H2 chemical kinetics and turbopumps. Finally a short overview on the LUMEN LOX/CH4  engine demonstrator project will be given.


Please register with julien.marzat @ onera.fr no later than 3 days before the date of the conference, specifying the subject line of the "Michael Oschwald Conference" e-mail and providing the following information: surname, first name, date and place by birth, company or organization, function, CNI number or passport number. All late requests cannot be processed, and access to the ONERA website will therefore not be guaranteed.
