COAT-2019 - workshop

02 décembre 2019 - 03 décembre 2019

ONERA, Châtillon

Communications and Observations through Atmospheric Turbulence: characterization and mitigation

Launch of the associated call for paper.

Scientific program  |  Access


Planned sessions

  1. Atmospheric turbulence: modeling, characterization & prediction
  2. Impact of turbulence on beam propagation
  3. Adaptive optics for space observation
  4. Novel turbulence mitigation strategies
  5. Ground-space optical links: concepts and applications
  6. Free space communication links: experimental demonstrations



COAT 2019In a large variety of fields, the development of ever more demanding optical systems now requires a thorough understanding of the impact of atmospheric turbulence together with the development of dedicated mitigation strategies. Originally driven by astronomy, these issues now concern near ground imaging, satellite observation, ground-space and near ground optical telecommunications and frequency dissemination, laser focusing... The workshop aims at giving an overview of current research activities in this field. It will address turbulence impact and mitigation, especially when facing strong turbulence, strong scintillation, high apparent wind speeds induced by target tracking, anisoplanatism effects due to the field of view or point-ahead angle...

The following topics will, therefore, be addressed during the workshop: knowledge on turbulence conditions (modelling, characterization & prediction of both Cn² and wind profiles); study of system performance with and without mitigation; mitigation strategies based on innovative optical solutions such as single aperture adaptive optics, multi-aperture or aperture diversity solutions, integrated optics architectures, new wave-front sensing approaches, sensorless solutions, laser guide stars, high performance control; lastly, image/signal pre- and post-processing techniques (deconvolution, PSF prediction, digital communications techniques), possibly in a co-design approach.


Invited Talks

James Osborn  (Durham Univ., UK)
Measuring, modelling and forecasting the dynamics of the Earth’s optical turbulence for optical communications between the ground and space

Olga Korotkova (University of Miami, USA)
Polarimetry of the Clear-Air Optical Channels: Example of a Mono-static System

Mikhail Vorontsov (Dayton Univ., USA)
Laser Beam Engineering and Atmospheric Turbulence Effects Mitigation with Coherent Fiber Array Systems

Andrew Reeves (DLR, Germany)
Demonstrations of optical free space communications through turbulence relevant to geostationary feeder-links

Sylvain Poulenard (ADS, France)
Protection schemes for optical communication between optical ground station and satellite



COAT 2019 is organized in the context of "Journées Scientifiques Onera (JSO)” with the support of the following Scientific Committee:

Géraldine Artaud (CNES), James Osborn (Durham Univ.), Ramon Mata-Calvo (DLR), Szymon Gładysz (Fraunhofer IOSB), Aniceto Belmonte (Technical Univ. of Catalonia), Olivier Meyer (DGA), Anne Durécu (Onera), Jean-Marc Conan (Onera), Clélia Robert (Onera), Laurent Mugnier (Onera).


Scientific program

  • Abstract submission is now closed
  • Detailed program & planning can be found on : program in pdf




9h30 Sukanta Basu (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) Mesoscale Modelling of Optical Turbulence in the Atmosphere: Quantifying the Impact of Ultra-High Vertical Resolution
9h50 Clélia Robert et al.  (ONERA, France) Modelling the Cn² and wind profiles for space-ground optical links with parametric models: cross-comparison with mesoscale models and in-situ measurements
10h10 James Osborn  (Durham Univ., UK) Measuring, modelling and forecasting the dynamics of the Earth’s optical turbulence for optical communications between the ground and space
11h10 Mikhail Vorontsov (Dayton Univ., USA) The Extended-Range Comprehensive Atmospheric Optics Sensing (ERCAOS) Campaign: Overview
Olga Korotkova (University of Miami, USA) Polarimetry of the Clear-Air Optical Channels: Example of a Mono-static System
14h20 Pierre-Yves Madec (ESO) Adaptive Optics Facility – when cutting-edge technology meets operational robustness and performance
14h40 Cyril Petit et al. (ONERA, France) Adaptive Optics assisted LEO satellite imaging
15h00 Baptiste Sinquin et al. (IOGS, France) Data-based modelling of low-order modes for AO control: what do on-sky experiments tell us?
Mikhail Vorontsov (Dayton Univ., USA) Laser Beam Engineering and Atmospheric Turbulence Effects Mitigation with Coherent Fiber Array Systems
Szymon Gładysz (Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, IOSB, Germany) presents: Max Segel et al. Modal Wavefront Sensorless Adaptive Optics with Karhunen–Loève Functions
Carlos E. Carrizo et al.  (Technical Univ. of Catalonia, Spain) Laboratory Validation of Sequential Optimization of Adaptive Receivers in Downlink Laser Communications


Aniceto Belmonte et al. (Technical Univ. of Catalonia, Spain) Optimal modal basis approaches fundamental limits to free-space optical system capacity imposed by atmospheric turbulence
9h50 David Allioux (CAILABS, France) presents: Antonin Billaud et al. Pointing Error Compensation For Laser Communication Using Multi-Plane Light Conversion Spatial Demultiplexer
10h50 Eleni Diamanti (LIP6, Sorbonne Univ., France) presents: Daniele Dequal et al. Feasibility of satellite-to-ground continuous-variable quantum key distribution
11h10 Arnaud Le Kernec et al. (TAS, France) Optical feeder links for high throughput satellites
11h30 Sylvain Poulenard (ADS, France) Protection schemes for optical communication between optical ground station and satellite
13h30 Jean-Marc Conan et al.  (ONERA, France) Adaptive optics for GEO-Feeder links: analysis of point ahead anisoplanatism impact via reciprocity based models
13h50 Matthew J. Townson et al. (Durham Univ., UK) Retrieving Tip/Tilt from Laser Guide Stars with the LATTE Experiment
14h10 Andrew Reeves (DLR, Germany) Demonstrations of optical free space communications through turbulence relevant to geostationary feeder-links
14h40 Aurélie Montmerle-Bonnefois et al.  (ONERA, France) FEEDELIO : demonstrating the feasability of adaptive optics compensated GEO feeder links
15h00 Andrew Lambert et al. (UNSW Canberra, Australia) Experiments in Free Space Laser Communications


Download all presentations (zip, 75,9Mo)



  • Speakers (oral talks and posters) shall submit a 4 to 10 page paper for the COAT proceedings
  • Submission deadline: March 2nd 2020 (send pdf as attachment to Email:
  • On-line proceedings will be available on the open archive HAL (with proper referencing & DOI), see:
  • Please use the same formatting as the SPIE conferences (note: this conference is not affiliated with SPIE, but the templates are under a Creative Commons license). You will find on the following web page
    • the specifications for the manuscripts,
    • links to Word and to LaTeX templates and examples ("samples") for use on your computer,
    • links to the overleaf online authoring tool, which contains the same LaTeX template, for those who use overleaf.


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